Characteristics Of Heroism

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The Traits of Heroism
What makes a hero heroic, in your opinion, well I'm going to tell you about my opinion on what makes a hero heroic. It is often common that people think that to be a hero. You have to have some superpower or have certain skills that you excel in. But everyday heroes are often overlooked or not recognized.
Truthfulness is an important thing in life. Because if you're not truthful people will never trust or believe you. The key to helping people in tight situations you have to be truthful and honest. Which is basically the same thing. But if you're not truthful to the people you're helping or yourself. Then you're just hurting yourself and others. Most people do good deeds to get attention or to get a prize. Most people,
Well, I don’t know about you, but I certainly have. Sometimes the kindness that comes out of our mouth is the most hurtful to people. Kindness is showing care and compassion . when someone is obviously not having a very outstanding day. The love and affection that we show people is shown through kindness. People don't care if you say that you love them people care that you show it through your actions. Kindness in a hero is easily identified. If you're helping someone out and they can see that you obviously don’t want to be there helping them. They won't feel grateful towards you for helping them. Because they know that you're just doing it. Because if you didn’t do it you’d be considered impolite. That why we have to show kindness in helping people even if that person annoys the hell out of you. “ Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”- Mother Teresa. If you were deaf and somebody was helping you put your groceries in your car. And they smiled at you. That smile is enough for that deaf person to know that that person is there to help them. With an inspiring attitude. And that is what I think the characteristics of heroes are.
What makes a hero heroic, in my opinion. It’s not about what the hero does, but how they do it. Being truthful, kind, and selfless is what I think defines a hero. Heroes don't have to have superpowers to fly, they have to have heroic traits that make them fly in our world. Heroes are everyday people. But it's the small actions with a little bit of kindness thrown in that makes them stand out the

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