Characteristics/Traits of a Successful Manager5
salient ingredients that must be top agenda of the organization. Chris Lowney identifies the pillars of effective management and gives light on how they lead to the success of an organization. Self-awareness being one of the distinct characteristics of effective leader entail ability to understand and identify their moods, emotions as well as drives and the ability to control them. It’s a characteristic of delayed judgment, and thinking before acting.
Self-awareness plays a big role in recognizing emotional make-up of others that in turns give a fertile ground for networking and establishing relationships. Knowing the change management toolkit and how to develop documents
Ineffective managers fail because they do not understand themselves, their weaknesses, who are not able to respond effectively and make concrete decisions. They cannot work with others unless they have first fully understood the process. Leaders that are self-aware know who they are, understand their believes, and what they want to achieve. Their principles guide them in decision making as they possess an internal compass that determines their behavior in unique situations outside the norms. In his words, Flanagan (Journal of the successive change manager,2014)argues that any leadership begins with self-leadership by knowing oneself, understanding of personal strengths and barriers, to him managers and everyone should asses hi/her strengths, weaknesses and how their working styles makes them ready to the constantly changing environment. Insights nourish effective leadership and, thus Personal information allows people to initiate changes. For instance, a manager who is self-aware can enter into any place and understand the world of those he is trying to change, understand why they are resisting change and build strategies to overcome the resistance Fianagan ( 2014)
Lowney acknowledges another quality of successful managers, and that is ingenuity, an ability to being innovative readily accept new viewpoints, having the
That is, they show initiative and responsibility. They are highly motivated, confident in personal values and are result oriented. The research also brought
Characteristics/Traits of a Successful Manager9
out three main facets that care used to gauge the effectiveness of a leader, and they are psychological that entails intelligence ability, energy, personal characteristics originality and creativity, integrity and behavior as well as pursuance of goals. The last facet is social characterization where they can make relations communication abilities and effective interpersonal skills among others. The ability to be open minded to new ideas, innovative and entrepreneurial proved very successful for managers in complex novel type projects (Malach-Pines, Dvir, & Sadeh 2008). A successive leader is one that
Contemporary organizations expect advantageous styles of leadership to lead and facilitate operations as we move forward into the 21st century. This need requires leaders and organizations to instill a style of leadership advantageous to supporting and leading a culture towards organizational effectiveness and connecting to support and uphold organizational strategies. Thus, the success of an organization usually contains successful leaders who understand and support the needs of the employees. The characteristics of successful leaders include selflessness, mentoring, empowerment, influence, support and empathy among other positive traits (Hoffman, Bynum, Piccolo & Sutton, 2011; Karakitapoglu-Aygun & Gumusluoglu, 2013; Sabir, Sohail & Khan, 2011; Shankers & Sayeed, 2012).
Reading L112RC: Self-Awareness and Leadership Philosophy: Why Leaders Need One and Why they Need to Write It Down; CGSC Blackboard.
Leadership is a quality which cannot be acquired by any person from the other but it can be acquired by self-determination of a person. Leadership can best be called the personality of the very highest ability-whether in ruling, thinking, imagining, innovation, warring, or religious influencing. Leadership is practiced not so much in words a it is in attitude and in actions. Their actions leave a long lasting memory in the line of history and lead up to may events that occur today. To be a leader one will need many qualities. Leaders have a purpose and strategies to accomplish that purpose. They are driven and motivated. In the end they should be able to attain good results. These innate talents help to make up a leader that will succeed and be efficient in carrying out tasks. But, the purpose of this paper is determine what truly makes a leader successful. A successful leader should be considered more on their impact rather than their accomplishments of their organizations alone for they are not sufficient in determining the key to their success .
According to the article, Why Self-Reflection Is the Key to Effective Leadership, it states that the practice of self-awareness and self-reflection will help us find out what are our strengths and weaknesses, our values and behaviors, and the ways in which we attempt on influence others. Self-awareness is the key to confidence and trust. According to the final words in the article, Good Leaders are Self-Reflective and Passionate, it offers suggestions for how to become a better leader. They suggest implementing knowing your strengths and gifts. Those you were born with and personal strengths you have developed over your lifetime. Live according to your personal values and morals. Serve as a role model, maintain a positive attitude, be and stay passionate. Continue to educate and improve yourself. According to the article, This is the one key trait that all great leaders share, states “that you are reflective about how the lessons taught in life can change the way you think, how you feel and you act. This reflection and the self-awareness that it requires is difficult and can make you feel exposed, but it is also necessary in order to become a better leader and manger.” This is so powerful to me because this process of self-reflecting can be as much as you want to reflect upon. It can up to 30 seconds or being hours and hours. If you facilitate this skill over the years, it will allow knowing to manage yourself to a tee. This is key because you need to know how to manage yourself before you can manage others. My professor in Change Management said these wise words to me a few terms ago. This always resonated with me and stuck by me. It is so simple but so power at the same
This opens the floodgates to leadership development, as opposed to simple psychometric assessment that sorts those with leadership potential from those who will never have the chance.” This theory does not seek inborn traits or capabilities; rather they look at what leaders actually do.(Changing minds). Behavioural theory suggests that leadership requires a strong personality with a well-developed positive ego; self-confidence is essential.(Boundless,
Sur, V., & Prasad, V. M. (2011). Relationship Between Self-Awareness and Transformational Leadership: A Study in IT Industry. IUP Journal Of Organizational Behavior, 10(1), 7-17.
Understanding oneself is a very important character for adaptive leadership. Unless we understand our self, it will be hard to understand others. The Johari window model well illustrates four areas of how people's self-awareness and information processing on the basis of feedback. They are very useful for understanding the strengths and weakness to develop the leadership skill (Luft and Ingham 1961). By understanding, this concept nurses will use their knowledge for understanding others in their workplace. As a result, nurses are the one who are 24 hours carers and advocate on behalf of the patients, they can also create a positive environment by establishing the better nurse-patient relationship. In addition, nurses have very good understanding of emotional intelligence as a result they can their own emotion by understanding consumers emotions and this is another important skill of adaptive leadership (Mayer, Salovey and Caruso
Whilst there are many different definitions of leadership, it is generally agreed that the act of leading people involves influencing them to undertake a course of action that contributes to an objective defined by the leader: his or her vision (Cutler, 2014). Some of the traits of a leader are adaptable to situations, alert to social environments, assertive, decisive, and dependable. There are many styles of leadership such as
As Yukl (2010) indicates, such factors (e.g. personality, values and capacities) attributed to a leader. Normally it is widespread acknowledged that someone is born to be a lead...
Many Scholars characterize the core qualities and skills necessary for an effective leader. Useem defines leadership as “Creating a vision and translating that vision into actions”. Historically, an effective leader was assumed to be exceptionally knowledgeable, authoritative, and dominate. Those leaders applied the command and control method to lead an organization. With the passage of time, this definition has been changed. The modern definition of an effective leader is honest, courageous, trustworthy, inspirational, and result-oriented. Today’s leaders create shared values and vision, and empower others to achieve their targets.
Considering a person to be a leader for an organisation is essential for successful business practises hence keeping in mind the certain characteristics an individual needs to have in order to be a leader and the responsibility of the leader to make sure that if any conflict arises they are able to handle the problem with care. They need to be able to manage themselves and people, to ‘drive them’ in order to allow them to strive to do their best.
Robbins (1997) defines managers as those who are all oversee the activities of other people with the purpose of accomplishing organizational goals. Therefore, in order to provide organizations with the best outcome, effective managers are urgently needed for modern organization. This is simply because, according to Hunsaker (2001), that the increasing recognition is given to the importance of having managers with strong interpersonal skills rather than, that twenty years ago, managers were only valued primarily for their technical know-how.
Management is a very tough job in today’s world of ambiguity, uncertainty, stiff competition and threatening environment. You have to be mentally and physically very strong to cope up the challenges posed by the current business environment. Following are the most important management skills and qualities needed for a successful manager.
There are so many aspects to being an effective leader, yet they are so easy to achieve but some leaders do not care to. Effective leaders must motivate, value their employees, solve problems, and be accountable. An effective leader is said to know the organization, the purpose,
The most important quality that differentiates a leader from other people is the ability to think strategically. Vision is the most important aspect that drives a leader’s strategy. It is all about where you want to be. Other qualities include Decision making, problem solving, time management, self-motivation, emotional intelligence and many more. Once we know the type of leadership, it is easy to find what leadership skills we have and which we need to develop which is explained in the book “Leadership: Theory, application, skill development (5th ed.) by Lussier and Achua.” Also, Keirsey Style Sorter personality type helps to knowing our temperament type, and work on our weakness and to emerge out as a good leader.