Causes Of 9/11 Essay

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Main Causes of 9/11 Everyday our surroundings change all around us but after 9/11 things changed dramatically Many people who watch 9/11 happen either on TV, or heard on the radio or anything will tell you i was like the world stopped. 9/11 took our sense of safety and many other things. 9/11 had an major impact in our society that is still today going through our lives; Some more sufficient than others. Some people don't know much about 9/11. What we do know according to Medical News Today, 19 terrorist attacked the U.S. They hijacked four airplanes in mid-flight. The terrorists flew two of the planes into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact caused the buildings within 2 hours the buildings caught fire and collapsed. Another plane destroyed part of the Pentagon (the U.S. military headquarters) in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. People believe that the terrorists on that plane was suppose to destroy either the White House or the U.S. Capitol. Passengers on the plane took control and crashed the plane into a field. In all, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks. Everybody has their different theory’s and explanations on what cased 9/11 but nobody truly knows Bergen said on Prospect magazine. People wonder why Bin Laden did this to America but there are so many different theories, from it was the U.S government or the credible collateral damage from a clash within Islam. On Teen ink, People claim that Bin Laden's anti-Americanism and has hatred to the CIA also had a great effect towards his reasoning to attacking U.S. Bergen also said that Bin Laden clams that Al Qaeda was solely responsible for 9/11. Sadly nobody knows the real r... ... middle of paper ... ... day dedicated to it and many ceremony and events happen on that day to dedicate to those people who lost their lives that day. Things changed for us that day, and some for the best. We live every day not knowing what going happen, but we live it and for awhile 9/11 made it hard for us, not knowing what was going to happen the next day, or if they were going attack us again. 9/11 changed us for better but we pray something like that will never happen again. Citation Abehindi.”9/11 Causes and Effects.” Teen Ink.N.p.,Web 06 Feb. 2014 Green,Mathew.”,11 Sept.2012. Web 06Fe.2014 Browning, William. “ 4 Major Effects of 9/11 on U.S Political Landscape” Yahoo! News. Yahoo!, 01 Sept. 20011. Web. 06 Feb.2014 Bergen, Peter. “ What were the cases of 9/11?: Prospect Magazine. N.P, 26 Oct.2006. Web.7 Feb..2014.

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