The Impact of September 11, 2001

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On September 11, 2001 a series catastrophic events occurred in New York City, New York. Al-Qaeda planned strategically conducted events, known as suicide attacks. Nineteen al-Qaeda members hijacked four commercial airplanes, including United Airlines Flight 93, American Airlines Flight 11, American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines 175. Two of the planes purposely crashed into the World Trade Center buildings. In addition, another plane crashed into the Pentagon in Arlington, VA. and the fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Those passengers on the fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, attempted to win control over the plane; however, there were no survivors. To understand the impact of September 11, ("9/11 by the numbers") New York Magazine published a statistical report about the causalities. According to the report approximately, 343 firefighters, 23 New York Police Officers and 2,016 World Trade Center employees died. Furthermore, officials discovered nearly 20,000 body parts and 289 bodies intact. Moreover, on September 12, 2010, (Edelman) the casualty toll had risen, 44 survivors committed suicide, 49 died of a drug overdose and 14 were murdered. Also, 664 survivors died because of diseases and illnesses contracted from the collapsing towers, including cancers and lung disease from inhaling toxic smoke and dust. According to the stages of crises, the first stage is detection; detection focuses on the warning signs for unfortunate events and occurrences. On September 5, 2002, (Press) The Associated Press published a timeline with events leading to September 11. On February 26, 1993, a bomb exploded in the World Trade Center Garage, killing 6 and wounding 1,000. Afterward, Islamic extremist received co... ... middle of paper ... ...USA+PATRIOT+Act&titleWork=USA+PATRIOT+Act&edition=&volume=&dateRetrieved=3+Mar+2011&pubCity=&publisher=Financial+Crimes+Enforcement+Network+&yearPublished=26+10+2006&medium=Web&>. 18. "Effect of a National Disaster on Blood Supply and Safety." Effect of a National Disaster on Blood Supply and Safety. JAMA, 10 10 2002. Web. 3 Mar 2011. 19. "Park 51: Community Center." Park 51: Community Center. Park51, 01 01 2011. Web. 3 Mar 2011. .

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