Cause And Effect Essay On Social Class

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Social classes have been part of this country’s history for a very long time. Social class and sometimes race play an important role determining the opportunities a person is able to receive. People from different social backgrounds live different lifestyles as well as have different opportunities in life. As a result of that, individuals in higher social class have an advantage over those in a lower social class. However, we as individuals are the masters of our own destiny. Just because someone is born in a lower social class it doesn’t necessarily mean they have to maintain that social status the rest of their lives. Education, hard work and the willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed are some of the traits that can make this change happen. …show more content…

Unschooled people tend to be the outcasts of society and typically hold the least desirable jobs. Education is not only essential to attain a better paying job, but also elevates your individual status in society. Being knowledgeable changes the way others will perceive you and how they accept you. For those that don’t come from a fortunate background, education makes everything equal. Since education today is more accessible than years past, individuals from a less high social class are now able to compete with a larger number of professions. Having had a fine education places you on the same level as many others, which gives you an advantage to climb up on the social scale, lowering social inequality. For instance, Linda Chavez, the author of “We Were Poor, but I Didn’t Know It” and Cesar Diaz, author of “The Effects of Rio Grande Valley on a Scholarship Boy”, were both raised in a lower social class. They did not have much growing up but discovered that education was the key to

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