Cats Myths

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Cats are notoriously independent, mischievous, and aggressive. But are those myths true? In this essay, we debunk those myths using their genetic history, anatomy, characteristics, and behavior. Other basic needs and facts you might not have heard about await you in Mia’s Kitty Essay. Let’s hop right in!

The first thing to note would be the cat’s history. Cats are related to lions, tigers, cougars and more! Domesticated cats, or house cats, are part of the Felis genus. Southeast Asia’s felis chaus, the European Felis silvestris silvestris, Chinese mountain cat Felis Bieti, African native Felis silvestris lybica, and Arab’s sand cat Felis margarita are among the Felis class. Despite how many felines are in its class, the Felis domesticus is …show more content…

They love your attention, and are extremely jealous critters. If they feel you are giving something else more attention than them, they will scratch, bite, claw, and pee their way to your lap. Cats need constant attention, though they are perfect for families who work and go to school since they don’t get as lonely. If you and your family have busy schedules, make sure that you look for a cat breed that is more independent. Though cats are a type of animal, every breed is different in the way it acts, looks, and feels. Search into different breeds to see which one is right for you. If you have your heart set on a cat but it is very social and you just don’t have time to give it all the attention it craves, just get another cat. Cats left on their own and without enough affection grow rowdy and will do anything for your love. Scratching, peeing, and meowing are all viable if they feel neglected. With two cats, they have someone to talk and play with. Just make sure the cats are compatible before you take them home. Ask whoever you are getting the cats from to put them together for at least a week before you pick them

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