Topic: Cats
General Purpose/Goal: To inform
Specific Purpose/Goal: I want my audience to understand three interesting things about Cats.
Thesis Statement: Three interesting things to know about cats are their intelligence,
tail signals and that they are territorial animals.
I. Attention Getter: you see them every where you look, sometimes out playing or other times in a house.
II. Preview Statement: I am going to share three areas of information about cats.
A. Cats are very intelligent animals.
B. Cats give off tail signals.
C. Cats are territorial animals.
III. Credibility Statement: I have been a cat owner for nineteen years. I have hand raised and trained my two cats since they were kittens.
IV. Relevancy Statement: Most people at one point in his or her life will probably have the opportunity to see and interact with a cat.
TRANSITION: Now that I have you thinking about cats, let me tell you about their
I. Cats are very intelligent animals.
A. Cats are capable of forming attachments to people and communicating their wants and
B. Cats are capable of instinctual thought.
TRANSITION: Now that you know how intelligent cats are, lets talk about their tail signals.
II. Cats give off different tail signals indicating their mood.
A. If a cat’s tail is raised slightly and softly curved the cat is interested in something.
B. If a cat’s tail is held still, but the tip is twitching the cat is irritated.
TRANSITION: Now that you know some different tail signals of cats lets talk about their territorial behaviors.
III. Cats are territorial animals.
A. A cat's territorial nature is very much a reflection of its social behavior.
1. Pet cats that are permitted to roam freely outdoors rarely spend much time
with other cats.
2. For the most part, cats prefer to share their territory, indoors or out, with few
tail. They have gray or rosy brown backs with lighter gray or brown hind legs and have
III. I currently have three ferrets. I got my first one about five years ago. I found my second and third ferrets a couple of years later at the Oregon Ferret Shelter, where I ended up adopting them for a modest price. I have also volunteered at the shelter now and then and have learned a lot about them.
Quarterly, Wilson. "When Cats Ruled The World." 24.1 (2000): n. pag. Web. 11 Mar 2011. .
“Last of all came the cat, who looked round, as usual, for the warmest place, and finally squeezed herself in between Boxer and Clover; she purred contentedly throughout Major’s speech without listening to a word
At the “Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum,” they hold forty to fifty Polydactyl cats, which have six toes. (“Cats.”npag).
In many cases Savannah cats are known for being cute, furry and cuddlable but we need to respect them in their natural behavior tendencies to provide them a suitable stimulating environment. By doing so we have to encourage environmental enrichment for the physical and mental health for these Savannah’s. Having a proper environment increases these species brain activity, well-being, senses, stimuli, and relieves them from boredom. These cats tends to get physical, physiologic, and behavioral disorders for stress and lack of stimulation. It can cause these species to do urine marking, house soiling, owner directed aggression, behavioral over grooming, displacement activities and reduce comfort behavior. For Savannah cats are a cross between
After a while, it was such that if I was home, the cats would follow me where ever I went. Just like Stickeen who “was sure to be at his heels, provided I had not gone out.”(par. 7). Every time I drove into the driveway, regardless of where they would be, they would come running out to greet me. The minute I stepped out of the car, they would circle me brushing against my feet and look at me with excitement in their eyes. Then they would stand up on their hind limbs and ask for a petting on their
Hearing loss for elderly animals is more common than we think. It can be very challenging to both the aging animal, and its owner. Just because your pet may be losing his hearing permanently, does not mean that he would not be able to continue his life as a full functioning animal in your household.
Mostafaei, Mohammad. "Crime of Adultery and Stoning Punishment in Iran's New Criminal Code." Universal Tolerance Organization. N.p., 1 June 2013. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. .
b. All animals roaming do not know they are harmful and when they are just minding their own
Most question which would be best to adopt, a kitten or a cat. Kittens and cats differ in any ways. When deciding which is best for you. The following should be considered: their diet, behavior, and personality.
Dogs are extremely lovable and the only thing in life that they want is to be loved by their owners. With dogs, everything in life revolves around love and affection. The only thing that is on a cats mind is food and what they
Many people do keep big cats like bobcats, tigers, and lions as pets. Experts estimate that there are around 10,000 to 15,000 tigers now kept as pets or in private facilities in the US. However, what we don't know is that more and more pet tigers and other big cats end up neglected or given up to sanctuaries because their owners cannot care for them. Owners of big cats who execute their way to provide appropriate housing and diet have no problems, but there are countless others who are very mistaken in their anticipated ability to provide the proper care. For instance, their was a man who raised a pet tiger in his Harlem apartment in New York City. As a result, private posession of big cats raises risks of the welfare of the animals themselves.
As my Aunt and I entered Judy's house which was a fifteen minute drive from where I live, I noticed cut black and white cat long haired cat with a pink nose and mysterious slanted eyes sneaking up on me near the corner of the hallway of the house. Judy shared with me that Katie was spayed, what foods to feed the cat and that she was tramatized. Judy had shared with me that she took Katie to the Shelter to try to find the owners but to no aval. You see, Katie had showed up at Judy's arcadia door so Judy took her in and kept her for several months before deciding to give the cat away.
An infant coat may have short hair or long hair. Both cats have little inner layer. A bra with long hair can be around the neck slit, a long coat on the abdomen and a coat that is noticeably longer than the upper part of the body for the eyes and upper hangers. Some of them have ears and toes.