Cassidy Blackwell Murder

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CASSIDY BLACKWELL life was the typical life you would expect for a middle-class family living in Denver, Colorado. She went to school every day, had a close group of friends, and was loved by her parents. That all changes when she comes home to find her parents being brutally murdered by a serial killer and her life being threatened. ACT I: Cassidy Blackwell sits at a coffee shop with her two best friends Maria Simons and Claire Peters. It is the beginning of summer and plans are being made. Cassidy talks about her new job at a local book store in town. Her friends ask her if she has any plans for a vacation before she goes back to The University of Colorado. She tells them that her family doesn’t vacation because it’s not something they …show more content…

He asks her who she is, what happened to her, and how she found him. She explains about the man who murdered her parents and how she found him. After a while of speaking she becomes tired and Alexander puts her to bed. The next few days, is a blur for Cassidy. She lost a lot of blood and is forced to stay in bed. At one point, she watches the news and sees a story about the murder of her parents. The police tell the reporter that Cassidy is the lead suspect in the murder of her parents and that she is now considered a runaway. The next day Cassidy wakes Alexander up from his sleep with her screams. He rushes into her room to find her thrashing around with a nightmare. He wakes her up and tries to calm her down. Cassidy ask questions about her parents and how he knows them. Alexander finally tells Cassidy that he met them during an assignment they had back when they were in the FBI. Cassidy is shocked because she never knew her parents where in the FBI. He continues to tell her that her parents have been in witness protection since the day she was born. He takes her into his room and gives her a box filled with files her parents left with him years before. Cassidy learns her real name is Lucy Freeman and the man who killed her parents is Richard Sites. The next few weeks Cassidy and Alexander travel to different locations where Richard murdered his victims. Cassidy learns more about her parents secret …show more content…

She reaches for a glass and drops it on the ground. She curses under her tongue and carefully walks around the glass on the floor to get a broom. She goes into the closest in the hall and grabs the broom. The broom gets caught on a box and it falls to the ground, a yellow envelope comes out of the box. Cassidy leans the broom up against the wall and opens the envelope to find multiple pictures. She walks into the kitchen as she goes through them. She lands on a picture of the man who kills her parents and a young boy. She turns it around and it reads ‘Richard and Alexander Sites’. Cassidy steps on the glass on the floor and

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