Case Study: Workplace Harassment And Bullying In Schools

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Workplace bullying and harassment has become an important issue as it not only affects the victim’s health but also affects their well-being. Harassment and bulling is not only limited to country, rather it is seen being accepted in different cultures and societies. As healthcare professionals, we wanted to bring this issue into limelight, that how commonly this is practiced in our society. Being from a medical background people usually assume educated class will be against such actions, but our purpose of focusing on this topic is to project how commonly this issue is faced by medical practitioners and how easily they get victimized into such situations.

Workplace harassment and bullying against doctors

Harassment is defined …show more content…

Another United Kingdom research shown that 37% of junior doctors faced being bullied and in an year 84% experienced bullying behavior4. A research done in India by Bairy et al showed increased rate of harassment approximately 50%, the research also showed that 90% incidents goes unreported5. A study done in Australia documented effects of bullying on hospital management:

• Cost to compensation: SafeWork Australia had to put up with cost of compensation for bullying and harassment which was double the average cost totaled around $13,300 with 7 weeks off work.7

• Staff: Reduced Commitment: the victim will face Lack of concentration, insecurity and lack of initiative which will eventually result in victim Not being satisfied with their job and can take an initiative to leave their job 8
• Lack of teamwork: teamwork requires communication and networking, if teamwork is dysfunctional it will directly effect on the quality of patient care, compromising hospitals health service.9

Thus, all of these findings explains that Harassment and bulling is not only limited to country, rather it is seen being accepted in different cultures and …show more content…

Ahmer S, Yousafzia AW, Bhutto N, Alam S, Sarangzai AK, Iqbal A. Bullying of Medical Students in Pakistan: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Survey. PLoS one 2008; 3: e 3889.
2. Frank E, Carrera JS, Stratton T, Bickel J, Nora LM. Experiences of belittlement and harassment and their correlates among medical students in the United States: longitudinal survey. BMJ 2006; 333: 682.
3. Quine L. Workplace bullying in NHS community trust: staff questionnaire survey. BMJ 1999; 318: 228?32.
4. Quine L. Workplace bullying in junior doctors: questionnaire survey. BMJ 2002; 324: 878-9.
5. Bairy KL, Thirumalaikolundusubramanian P, Sivagnanam G, et al. Bullying among trainee doctors in Southern India: a questionnaire study. J Postgrad Med 2007; 53:87-91A
7. Safe Work Australia, “Submission to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Inquiry into Workplace Bullying”, p.13.
8. Rodwell, J., et al., “The Impact of Bullying on Health Care Administration Staff: Reduced Commitment Beyond the Influence of Negative Affectivity” (2012) Health Care Management Review 37(4), 329-338,

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