Case Study Of Sickle Cell Disease

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Blood serves as the body transport system; blood carries oxygen to the lungs and cells throughout the body. It takes carbon dioxide or toxins from out the body. The components of the blood fight off different diseases by recognizing engulfing microorganisms and molecules from overseas that doctors found in the blood. The other components support the transports through the kidneys, hormones in the body, and the digestive system to help pass the nutrients through the body.
The first scenario is a four-year-old little girl name, Lily. The patient is a Caucasian female who has symptoms of a blood disorder called (“Zelman, M. Ph.D., Tompary, E., Raymond, J. Ph. D., Holdaway, P. MA, & Mulvihill, M.L. Ph.D”, 2010) “Iron Deficiency”. Lily mother is …show more content…

The name of this patient is Davon; he is a five-year-old African-American male whom just moved from Chicago. The patient was visiting his pediatrician for a physical to enter kindergarten. The patient mother gave her history about confirming that she has the sickle cell trait and would like to know if her son is also a carrier for sickle cell. ("Sickle Cell Disease", 2015) “Sickle cell trait inherited from both hemoglobin A and S, in the red blood cells”. Those with this disease are still capable of having a healthy life. For instance, if one parent has sickle cell trait, and the other parent does not will only lead to the child having sickle cell trait or nothing. If both parents have the trait, then the child will genetically develop sickle cell disease inside the mother’s womb. Sickle cell trait is a transmitted disease that travels through the red blood cells. The symptoms of sickle cell trait is that when the skin gets pale, always cold, or even tired then that is a sign of having this disease. The patient cannot prevent this disease, due to this is something that is passed on from the womb and birth. Daily doses of penicillin can control the infection; on the other hand, it is not preventable. The only way to make sure that it does not get worse is the person must eat foods with high iron and even …show more content…

The patient has noted that over the past several weeks that he discovered more bruises or even ecchymosis all over his body. The patient has found small red marks around his eyes, the next morning. The patient was self-diagnosing himself, however due to the doctors, the patient has thrombocytopenia that he diagnoses with recently. Thrombocytopenia is a blood disorder that has insufficient platelets in the blood stream. The disease is one of the most common results that are in hospital patients who tend to bleed, then it will stop bleeding and clump up the blood vessels. If any reason an individual platelet falls below normal, then the condition will develop called Thrombocytopenia. The cause of this disorder, (Thrombocytopenia, n.d.) “thrombocytopenia can be inherited or it can be caused by numerous conditions or even drugs”. Thrombocytopenia symptoms are from; bruising, an enlarged spleen. Excessive bleeding on the menstrual cycle, nose bleeds, and jaundice. The enlarged spleen has too many platelets causing it to decrease. The disease also consists of leukemia or a viral infection. The increased breakdown that is caused by some things with the condition. Also serve options lead to a transfusion or finding an underlying. Nevertheless, thrombocytopenia cannot be prevented although, at the same time some conditions of thrombocytopenia can be avoided. By avoiding alcohol and if a person

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