Origins and Discoveries: The Sickle Cell Story

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History of sickle cell
Many people can prove to the fact that sickle cell originated in Africa. Going by different names related to tribal languages but in 1910 a young dental student came to the office of Doctor James B. Herrick, a cardiologists complaining of black problems Herrick wanted nothing to do with young kids. So he referred him to Dr.Ernest Irons after drawing flood and examines it. Dr.Irons notice that the red blood cells had a sickle shape at that moment he immediately informed Dr. Herrick and he later wrote many medical journals able the sickle shaped cell. In 1927 Hahn and Gillespie realized removing oxygen individuals that were inflected red blood cells could form the sickle shape. So they came up with the term trait but, …show more content…

If only one parent is a carries that child may only inherit that trait sickle cell cannot be contracted or pass from one individual to the next sickle cell is consider and autosomal recessive discover. It gets pass down from generation to generation.
Causes of sickle cell
There are lots of genes in each of our body’s. when one is mutated it may causes a chain reaction and in the case with sickle cell that mutated gene may become rigid and sticky and won’t allow your body to make hemoglobin the iron rich compound that gives us the red color in our blood it hemoglobin is abnormal. The red blood cell s that carries oxygen from our lungs and other parts of our body cannot happen. The gene will sickle therefore preventing the blood and oxygen to pass through freely.
As of 2013 an estimated study showed that over 100,000 people living with sickle cell anemia in the United States. One out of thirteen babies born to an African American parents will inherit the trait and one out of three hundred sixty five African American babies will be born with the disease. This is not just a black disease many Hispanics, Middle Eastern and individual with Asian background are also

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