Sickle Cell Disease Case Study

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1. Sickle Cell Disease is life-threatening and has a risk of of causing depression. In this study I examine the experiences that Sickle Cell patients go through specifically at emergency healthcare facilities to find out if there are any negative stigmatizations surrounding this disease. There may be judgments that are made about these patients from healthcare professionals when they seek drugs for their pain relief that may cause the stigmatization to occur. I will also investigate why individuals that have Sickle Cell Disease experience longer waiting times at emergency healthcare facilities and the lack of control they may have over their care regime.

2. a) The research design used in this study is the case study design. It is classified …show more content…

That is why I decided to find out some of the experiences patients went through regarding stigmatization that occurred in these facilities and how these experiences developed and lead to depression. In the second piece of literature (Elander, Marczewska, Amos, Thomas, & Tangayi, 2006) finds that stigmatization comes from a notion that those who are suffering with pain may be addicts looking for some opioids to fulfill their …show more content…

It will be conducted by obtaining knowledge if there are eligible following the inclusion criteria and if yes, directly asking them to be part of the study.
c) The research study will take place at a meeting room in Toronto General Hospital.
d) There is not any already-existing relationships between researcher and participant that may produce feelings of obligation to take part in this study.

4. I will be obtaining an oral consent from the participant before the interview will start. They will verbally agree to have understood the information and topic for the research study and understand that their participation is

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