Career as a Travel Agent

674 Words2 Pages

A Career as a Travel Agent

Contents page

1. Introduction
1.1 Definition & Description
1.2 Aims

2. Discussion
2.1 History
2.2 Qualification/ Skills/ Requirements
2.3 Salary
2.4 Prospects

3. Conclusion

4. Recommendations


1. Introduction
1.1 definition and description
A Travel consultant is a person that arranges travel packages on behave of other people witch can include, flights, insurance, accommodation, tours and transfers. Most travel consultants usually have experienced many holidays domestically or internationally. Therefore being able to over information on what are good places to stay, what are the best tours, favourite places to eat and good places for shopping. Most travel consultants have had experience in staying at various accommodation levels from budget, middle 5-star to luxury.

1.2 Description
A travel agent can be expected to offer some or all the following;
- Arrange flights
-Arrange insurance
-Compare cheap flights, hotel deals and car rentals
- Helps arrange passports and Visa’s
- Can offer international or domestic contacts
- Recommendation on vaccinations
Other job duties of a travel agent are;
- using computers and booking systems
- advising and keeping clients up to date on travel arrangements and warnings
- collecting payments
- dealing with complaints or refunds

1.3 Aim
In today’s job climate I am looking at what jobs are available and their kind of training and qualifications are required in being a travel consultant.
The aim of this report is to share current information on what a travel consultant dose, what qualification are needed, the description, definition, prospects, history and the salary.

2. discussi...

... middle of paper ... a few courses you need to complete to become a travel agent. If you love to travel and helping people I strongly recommend you become a travel agent.

4. Recommendations
If you would want to become a travel agent I recommend that you that you start researching for the courses and get some work experience, get involved early to become a travel agent.

Bibliography Bibliography

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