Captain Picard As Portrayed By Patrick Stewart

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Captain Picard played by Patrick Stewart on the Science fiction TV show “Star trek, The Next Generation” which ran from about 1987-1993 is a leader I’ve selected as someone I admired and admire. His style of leadership that he routinely employed resembled contingency theory in that there really isn’t any precise single way of leading. Leadership styles can play off of certain situations. In the show the Captain always performed at the maximum level but also showed vulnerability in other scenarios which kept his larger than life persona in check. Captain Picard demonstrated a contingency leadership theory style because leadership often mirrors traits men possess within themselves and externalize or manifest to situations and how they exercise …show more content…

He was a teacher and encouraged others to improve. He would admit and grow from mistakes, he was consistent and took the initiative. He was always a good listener and delegated responsibility when it called for it expertly and he engaged his confrontations, met them head on and without fear. Captain Picard also had great charisma, a presence and an aura which many leaders simply do not possess which commanded respect, his orders were never questioned and his followers had great respect and admiration for his position.
My own leadership style is one I like to think of as laisse-faire versus micro managing in style, I prefer to size up subordinates and ascertain their abilities and capabilities and if they are sufficiently mature and capable, I allow them to run with their tasks as self-governing until such time as they give me a reason to pause and reconsider my position. I’ve been given constructive criticism by my mentor that I have room to improve with my assertiveness and I do plan …show more content…

My mentor approves of my leadership role model and is familiar with the TV series and believes the areas I need to work on were areas Captain Picard handled masterfully.
Sometimes to get noticed one must take risks, try and stand out and get noticed in a good way. It’s true that playing it safe through life is what most folks do, to truly be great at anything means you have to be ready to sacrifice more than what the other average person is expected to do. It’s true that every great leader didn’t get to their pinnacle by doing average work or playing it safe. Developing one’s own brand or style that works well can be measured in how others are willing to take your direction and orders and doing that well is definitely something that takes experience and practice.

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