Caltech College Essay

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Even as a kid I was obsesed with becoming a scientist. I was always hoping that someday I would be on the front lines of science, making important disoveries. Not knowing what I wanted to do or where to go always frightened me, but this research should clear my mind for colleges. I wanted to study Caltech not only because I have finatial aid there, but mostly because of the high standards in their physics program. Caltech is where creative and intellegent studnets go to expand their minds, and become leaders of the next generation of scientists. My research paper will outline my plans at Caltech’s physics program. “Caltech's 124-acre campus is located in Pasadena, California.” (“The California Institute of Technology”) In north Los Angelas, …show more content…

Most physicists and astronomers work full time.” (“Physicists and Astronomers”) “A theoretical physicist might work for a scientific organization such as CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is located. Here, theoretical physicists use formulas to predict what elementary particles an experimental physicist might discover while using the LHC. They also seek to understand exactly how these elementary particles work. Theoretical physicists might also work for universities, teaching their specialized knowledge to students while also seeking publication in peer-reviewed journals.” (“What Does a Theoretical Physicist …show more content…

Many take classes in theoretical physics along with foundation-building classes in math and generic physics. Students then go on to obtain master's and doctorate degrees in physics. In Einstein's time, theoretical physicists could study many different branches of physics. Today, because physics is much more complex, theoretical physicists need to specialize in one particular branch, such as elemental physics, quantum physics or astrophysics. Physicists might pursue a postdoctoral fellowship that gives them a deeper understanding of their specialization after obtaining their PhD.” (“What Does a Theoretical Physicist

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