Building a Tesco Superstore

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Building a Tesco Superstore

It has been agreed that a Tesco superstore can be built in Hailsham;

it will be located on the site of WhiteHouse Primary School. But will

this be beneficial to Hailsham? In our project will are expected to

consider the impact (cost/benefit) on a wide range of stakeholders.


Hailsham is the largest settlement in the southern half of the

District, with a population of 19,100. It is located about six miles

north of Eastbourne, between the middle reaches of the Cuckmere River

to the west and the Pevensey Levels to the east, with the extensive

Wilmington Wood reaching to the town's edge in the

South. Hailsham has been an established market town since 1252 and

still retains its historic core around the market square and St Mary's

Church. The town has experienced considerable growth during this

century, with significant residential estate development occurring in

the post-War years. More recently, house building has taken place on

the western and southern edges of the town, contributing towards a

population increase of 3,000 people during the past decade.

Today Hailsham serves as a local employment centre, providing a range

of jobs in manufacturing and services, and also as a shopping centre

for the residents of both Hailsham itself and the surrounding rural

area. Developments at The Quentin's and St Mary's Walk have

strengthened the retailing role of the town centre and the opening of

the Lagoon Leisure Centre has increased recreational opportunities in

this part of the district.

There are five primary schools serving the Hailsham area. Growth in

the number of children...

... middle of paper ...

...ite like the Co-op and

Waitrose may lose trade to the extent that one existing

supermarket closes




* The whole cost of set up may reduce profits in short term

* The rivalry between the leading supermarkets may start price war

causing reduced profit


* Increased profitability, therefore increased dividends in the long





* There will be a loss of UBR if shops close


* There will be an income from scale of land

Economic Development


* The UBR income from Tesco may encourage more larger shops into


* Tesco is paying for the new development of the new school and

money will be save available for other projects

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