Brooklyn Bridge Research Paper

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The Brooklyn Bridge's development is one of the greatest accomplishments in United States history. It had also helped New York out on faster transportation around the 20th centuries. It was an endeavor that required plenty of time spent on it, sacrifice, and inventiveness by its designers and in addition the other workers to finish. The Brooklyn Bridge was the longest suspension connect,the first to utilize steel-wire,and overwhelmed the New York City horizon as the tallest structure in the western side of the equator. ( Hiden 476)
Since 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge goes across the East River in New York City. Surprisingly, it’s making took only 14 years. Even with all its down sides in the creating, it now has tons of people passing through …show more content…

His making of the bridge was soon known as the “Brooklyn Bridge” and its construction started in January 3, 1870. Its designer John Augustus Roebling moved to western Pennsylvania, where he tried to become a farmer but failed. He then later moved to Harrisburg, where he then knew his work was to be a civil engineer as he established a great wire cable factory.That’s when he then started creating bridges across rivers. Because his other successful bridges he had achieved, the New York legislators accepted his plan in the making for the Brooklyn Bridge in 1867. Just when John and his crew members were going to start construction in 1869, John had his foot crushed by a ferie and died 24 days later. This is when his son Washington Augustus Roebling had to take over as the assistant engineer. ( …show more content…

The blocks used on the bridge were actually built in Maine and later shipped into New York. The Brooklyn Bridge total length was 5,989 feet and with a width of 85 feet. Its height was 41m tall and weighed about 14,680 tons.
With John being dead and his son Washington being disabled, he had to bring in is wife to take charge with the mathematics portion. Where they went with John’s idea of putting the roadways lighter so there could be less stress on the cables. Even with his idea, an unexpected blast wrecked one caisson, a fire damaged another, and a cable snapped and crashed into the river. Despite the problems the construction still continued at a fast rate.
It’s crazy how this bridge is the second busiest bridge in New York City. Even the length for the Brooklyn Bridge is just amazing 3,640 feet amazing right? It was even the first suspension bridge to use steel for its cable wire . Also, the first bridge to use explosives in a dangerous underwater device called a caisson.(“ Brooklyn Bridge”) Meanwhile, at the time it was built, the Brooklyn Bridge was also crowned the longest suspension bridge in the world. A little fun fact would be when the bridge had first opened they would charge 5 cents for every vehicle that went through it . The bridge was even given special governmental protection. Many people were even terrified and making a scene that the bridge was going to fall into the river.

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