Bob Marley: Reggae Music Has Influenced My Life

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The country known for reggae music, the mouth watering dish of ackee and saltfish, and the great Bob Marley is where I was born. Jamaica, a prime vacation spot for many but home for me. Right in Kingston, Jamaica at University Hospital is where my mother gave birth to me. Being originally from Jamaica and raised by a single mom there are many aspects of my upbringing that have influenced who I am today. When I was 3 years I was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis. I spent a lengthy 7 months in the hospital where according to my mom I was countlessly stuck with needles and having tubes inserted into me. After the meningitis had ceased, I started loosing my hearing a year later. Which if you don’t much about the disease itself the hearing …show more content…

My mom would always emphasis to us that “cleanliness is Godliness” and we would clean our house till we could practically eat off our white ceramic floors. Beds also had to spread every day, which as a child I truly did not understand with my logic of it being why spread it if I am just going to be sprawled out in it a couple hours later. But, unfortunately for me it was still a daily task that had to be done. A jamaican traditional we upheld in our household is having a home cooked family meal every Sunday where we are all gathered around our dining room table. The aroma of her cooking would consume the house and cause my mouth to water every time. Curry chicken, and rice and beans are a traditional jamaican dish my mom would often prepare for us. These dinners were always my favorite, we would often talk about how the previous week went and our goals for the upcoming week. My mom always left an open floor for us to talk about anything: our problems, our ambitions, and she always had some word of advice to give us in return. She ALWAYS told us what we needed to hear and never what we wanted to hear. Her first job was always being our mother and not just our friend, which now that I am older I appreciate more than …show more content…

My whole life I’ve always been told by everyone how I have an old soul, and since I was a little girl I’ve always been curious and able to comprehend things that a lot of my peers wouldn’t. I often times speak with people much older than me, and even though I have not experienced the same things they have I can put myself in their shoes and see their point of view. My friends even refer to me as being very maternal, because I am always making sure everyone around is okay, and has what they need. I am also very independent. From the moment I turned 16 years old, I got my first job at CVS. My mom repeatedly told me I did not need a job she will provide everything I need, but working and being able to provide things on my own gave me a thrill. And being able to help my mom out with some of our household bills made me love working even more. Knowing I was able to take a little pressure off of the women who does and sacrifices so much for me made me really content myself. Lastly, I am very optimistic. Because of what I have overcame with my meningitis, I truly believe that miracles do happen in life. I always look at the cup half full, and even in my hardest circumstances I believe there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. If I were to be given the honor to be a student at University of Central Florida, I know these characteristics would allow me contribute to the

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