The Life of Bob Marley

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The Life of Bob Marley

While reading Catch a Fire I discovered many things about Bob Marley

and his spiritual influence on the world. Not only just making

records, Marley spoke to his people through his songs and took

advantage of the opportunities given to him as a musician.

Born on February 6, 1945, Robert Nesta Marley grew up in a small

village in Jamaica called Nine Miles, where he would shape his

personality and early beliefs. His father Norval Marley, a white

Jamaican and a Captain in the Army, would also become inspirational to

young Bob. When Bob was only 16 he produced his first record in

Kingston, and in 1963 the original Wailers were formed, a group

consisting of Bob Marley, Bunny Livingstone and Peter Tosh. They

produced many songs together such as, Judge Not and Simmer Down, which

were both instant number one songs in Jamaica. But, by 1973 two of the

original Wailers wanted out of the popular band because they grew

restless from the extreme touring schedule. So later that year Bunny

Livingston and Peter ...

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