Bioware Career Essay

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Introduction The Career I have researched is the field of Video Game design and development. This field was chosen because I have always had an interest in video game. They have always have been a major part of my life and I wish to help shape the future of video games. What I hope to learn from this project is the required skills I’ll need to pursue this goal. Also, I wish to learn part of the process of making video games.
Career Information Video game design and development works in several different ways. Most of which happen all at once. Each game designer is tasked with a different part of the game. Some create the plot and characters of the story. Others work the layout, gameplay, level design and scoring of the game. Then, there’s the art portion of the game. These artists work on the concept art, the 3D modeling and the overall look of the game. Finally, there’s the programming side of the development. This focuses around …show more content…

Bioware is a multi-national company, which has it's headquarters in Edmonton, Canada. Branches of this organization are located in Montreal, Canada and Austin, Texas. The entire organization is headed by Matthew Bromberg, then each branch is headed by their lead directors. Bioware's main goal is to make the best Role-playing games on the market. Their products include games, such as the Mass Effect Series, as well as The Dragon Age series. The consumers of these are gamers across the globe. Bioware was founded by Ray Muzyka, Greg Zeschuck, and Augustine Yip. These three came together to revolutionize role playing. The First game they came out with was "Shattered Steel". They then signed with Interplay to be their publisher. Interplay went out of business in later years, that’s when Bioware signed with EA. Eventually, in 2007, Bioware was bough out by EA. That’s when Bioware became a division of Electronic Arts,

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