Bill Of Rights To Animals Essay

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Animals have Feelings too

Animals have feelings. It’s been proven numerous amounts of time by animal behaviorists. Even animals as simple as a fish have feelings, they feel pain just as we do. It was stated by Victoria Braithwaite in her article “Hooked on a Myth”, that fish, just as humans, have nociceptors that alert the fish that they are in pain. Your dog yelps when you step on its foot on accident, does it not? Do people think that if they shoot an animal it doesn’t feel it? This is why I think we need an animal bill of rights. Animals, of all kinds, need the ability to live freely in the world without people killing and hurting them without consequence. We need a bill of rights for animals and focuses mainly on animal abuse, destroying habitats/ deforestation, poaching and experimentation. Animals have feelings so, we shouldn’t let them have to live their lives in fear. There’s a man named Jacky Lo ,while saying he was “cleaning” his dog, put the small white fluff into his washing machine and turned it on. The puppy drowned and the man is still free today. This is animal cruelty. …show more content…

That’s because of something called poaching. Taking animals horns, tusks, antlers, skin, scales or whatever it may be without the animals consent is poaching. It’s illegal in most countries, but is still practiced anyway. The animals need their horns tusks and etc to live. If you take away a human’s hands and feet without consent it’s called cruel and unusual punishment, yet if you clip your bird's wings so that it may not fly it’s normal. Why is it okay to take away body parts of animals if we can’t do it to others? If animals had a bill of rights this wouldn’t happen. If the bill of rights made the fines and jail time so hefty that people would refrain from amputating animals, it could work. But currently since we have no bill of rights, animals are still being

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