Animal Liberation Front Essays

  • The Effect Of PETA On The Ethical Use Of Animals

    775 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are countless animal rights groups around the world. Their main goals are to stop the use of animals in the lab, to stop the suffering of animals, or even as far as stopping the use of . Some demonstrate through peaceful methods while others use more dramatic ways to show support. Groups such as: PETA, HSUS, ALF, ELF, ASPCA, and RSPCA are all examples of organizations with those goals People for the ethical treatment of animals, also known as PETA is an animal rights organization. The main

  • Animal Usage is Needed to Benefit the Human Race

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    Animal Usage is Needed to Benefit the Human Race In today's world, one could split our country into two groups. One is those who are for animal rights in every aspect, and the other is those who are not. Those who are for animals' rights are commonly labeled "Vegans" by people of the opposing viewpoint, and sometimes even by their own. These people may belong to certain organizations such as PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or ALF, the Animal Liberation Front. These people

  • People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals ( Peta )

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    Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) (stylized PeTA) is an American animal rights organization based in Norfolk, Virginia, and led by Ingrid Newkirk, its international president. A non-profit corporation with 300 employees, it claims to have three million members and supporters and to be the largest animal rights group in the world. Its slogan is "animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment or abuse in any way." Founded in March 1980 by Newkirk and fellow animal rights activist

  • Animal Testing Should be Banned

    1000 Words  | 2 Pages

    Animals are used in research to develop new medicines and for scientists to test the safety of the medicines. This animal testing is called vivisection. Research is being carried out at universities, medical schools and even in primary and elementary schools as well as in commercial facilities which provide animal experiments to industry. (UK Parliament) In addition, animals are also used in cosmetic testing, toxicology tests, “defense research” and “xenotransplantation”. All around the world, a

  • The Benefits of Animal Testing are Too Great to Stop

    773 Words  | 2 Pages

    Animal Testing Animal testing began when William Harvey used animals 400 years ago to find out how blood circulated through the body. The "modern" era of animal research however started about 150 years ago with the rise of physiology as a science. It was very different back then. There were no anesthetics or effective painkillers, so the animals suffered a great deal, as did patients. Scientists learned that putting animals, or humans through that type of torture was inhumane. Consider having to

  • Summary Of Animal Liberation By Peter Singer

    1464 Words  | 3 Pages

    Animals have been treat as if they are less equal in the moral sense. Over the recent years, the public has been more aware of the animal liberation movement. This movement opposes factory farms and animal experimentation; the movement demands animal equality. The animal liberation movement demands for the people to expand their moral capabilities, to recognize that animals should be treated as equals. However, it is hard for one to recognize that the moral inequality until it is forcibly pointed

  • animal experimentation

    545 Words  | 2 Pages

    Animal Experimentation Imagine if your pet was getting experimented on for a product you might buy in the future. Would anyone really want that product, your pet was in pain because of it? Animals are getting experimented on for products to get released to the public. Some companies are using vitro researching to test their products but not enough companies are using vitro as their form of testing products. Synthetic skin could reduce the amount of animals getting tested on everyday for companies

  • The Morality of Animal Testing

    1727 Words  | 4 Pages

    Since the beginning of time animals have been sacrificed for the benefit of mankind from on a traditional altar form to the lab table. The morality of animal testing is being increasingly questioned, becoming a hot topic in the media. Where does it say that because humans can express degrees of pain it is okay to test on animals instead? Both humans and animals are not only genetically similar but structurally as well, but animals also react differently to disease. Animals are tested on because humans

  • The Ethics of Animal Testing for Vaccine Development and Potential Alternatives

    1978 Words  | 4 Pages

    Animal testing is important to ensure the safety of a variety of products, specifically pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and medical devices used for surgery and other treatments. It has also been used throughout history for various purposes. Once an unregulated practice, today there are laws, regulations, and requirements associated with the ethical use of animal models. In the United States, animal studies are now required before moving on to clinical trials. Legalities aside, controversy still arises

  • The Controversial Issue of Animal Ethics

    2571 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Controversial Issue of Animal Ethics The struggle against sickness and disease is not over, yet medical progress is being threatened by activists who would end the use of laboratory animals in the search for treatment and cures. Their well financed anti-research disinformation campaign is not the only weapon used by animal rights activists. The more extreme animal rights activists have used tactics of intimidation and terrorism, for example: April 26,1997, activists were arrested when

  • The Cruel and Yet Inaccurate Testing of Animals

    1484 Words  | 3 Pages

    Animal experimentation is both unnecessarily cruel and inaccurate proving that it is neither beneficial nor ethical to perform. Animals are living creatures just like people and yet are treated as though they are nothing but tools by the self-proclaimed advanced species of the Earth. Alternatives to animal testing have been developed and presented throughout the years but scientists are stubborn and stuck in their ways so they continue to experiment on innocent creatures. Testing on animals is a

  • Animal Research Is Not Helping Humans

    1570 Words  | 4 Pages

    Animal Research Animals are currently being tested all over the world. They are being tested for things such as cosmetics, prescriptions drugs, and used for scientific testing. It is estimated that over 100 million animals are used for testing. Rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, and monkeys are common animals used to test newly developed products. These testing procedures and conditions in which these animal must live are widely scrutinized among animal activists. There are many heated debates on

  • Experiments with Draize and LD50 on Animals

    861 Words  | 2 Pages

    Animal experimentation has many ways that they test new drugs or new products on animals. For example, “LD50, forced - fed, forced to breed poison or toxic, and eat poisonous products to find out” what will happen to them (Park 13). Some animals will die quickly while others will take some time, in that period of time they will suffer since there insides are being discomposed. Animal testing is a place where animal bodies are being tortured in the most notorious ways. The Draize and LD50 are the

  • The Inevitability of Animal Testing

    1066 Words  | 3 Pages

    is an animal tested product? Is it a medicine? Or is it a cosmetic?Some people might think animal tested products as complicated stuffs. In fact, animal tested products are easily found around our lives. As animal testing is available in many uses, it has a long history and has been controversial for many years. Those who insist on abolition of experiments for animals argue that alternatives for animal testing exist. In addition, the protesters think that human’s anatomy and that of an animal are very

  • Cruel Experiments on Animals

    630 Words  | 2 Pages

    Animals have been used in testing for over 2,000 years. Animal experimentation was established around the second century. Mice, rabbits, bunny’s, reptiles , guinea pigs and other animals are all victims of animal experimentation . Companies such as Almay, Revlon, Opi and Wet n’ Wild are some of the companies that do not test on animals. According to the website RSPCA, it is estimated that more than 100 million animals are used in experiments each year across the world. Scientists say that animal

  • Animals vs. Humans in Medical Experimentation

    1212 Words  | 3 Pages

    For centuries mankind has experimented on animals for a number of different reasons. Early experimentation with animals was originally born out of curiosity but eventually became a necessity to find medicines to cure viruses and a myriad of illnesses. If not for the existence of animals, humans would be left to experiment on themselves at a high rate which would create a worldwide moral dilemma. Such a dilemma could be dictated based on the question of who should be chosen for experimentation;

  • Animal Research: A Necessary Evil

    862 Words  | 2 Pages

    whether it is ethical to use animals for experimentation. When considering whether animal research is ethically acceptable or not two main concerns must be raised. The first issue is whether it is absolutely necessary to use animals in order to acquire information that may contribute to the improvement of people’s health and well-being. The second issue is whether the use of animals is defendable on a moral ground. Supporters of animal research believe that animal experimentation and research

  • Should Animals be Used for Scientific Research?

    1711 Words  | 4 Pages

    millions of animals experience painful, suffering and death due to results of scientific research as the effects of drugs, medical procedures, food additives, cosmetics and other chemical products. Basically, animal experimentation has played a dominant role in leading with new findings and human advantages. Animal research has had a main function in many scientific and medical advances in the past decade and is helping in the understanding of several diseases. While most people believe than animal testing

  • Animal Testing: Right or Wrong? Jeremy Bentham

    1112 Words  | 3 Pages

    quote by Jeremy Bentham, a British philosopher and animal rights activist refers to the unjust treatments of animals and their helplessness towards the cruelty they suffer from humans. Animal testing should be banned because it is not proven that the product is safe even after being tested by animals, the living conditions lab animals are required to be in are not healthy for any animal, and newer technology can be used as a substitute for animal testing. As the dominating species, we have the upper

  • The Negative Effects Of Animal Testing

    1308 Words  | 3 Pages

    Animal cruelty is something that is overlooked in society, partly due to lack of knowledge, and partly due to human arrogance. People do not let themselves believe the fact that animals are being tortured for their own benefit. Taking advantage of nature, humans are enforcing their strength to further their own species at the expense of other species. As it is now, animal experimentation causes adverse effects, which outweigh the potential benefits which come of it. A change in the focus of the experimentation