The Effect Of PETA On The Ethical Use Of Animals

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There are countless animal rights groups around the world. Their main goals are to stop the use of animals in the lab, to stop the suffering of animals, or even as far as stopping the use of . Some demonstrate through peaceful methods while others use more dramatic ways to show support. Groups such as: PETA, HSUS, ALF, ELF, ASPCA, and RSPCA are all examples of organizations with those goals
People for the ethical treatment of animals, also known as PETA is an animal rights organization. The main goal is to eliminate animal cruelty and they promote a vegan lifestyle. They believe that it is wrong for humans to use animals for entertainment, clothes, food, and testing because animals have rights as well. The organization has over 3 million supporters and members. PETA was founded in 1980 and was a way for people to not only help animals, but question, what they believe to be, the unethical use of them. PETA demonstrates their beliefs loudly and publicly so that more people can hear and understand why they want to stop the use of animals. PETA is a non-violent group and mainly uses undercover agents to film research facilities. They even helped influence a supreme court decision pertaining to the treatment of animals. The group influenced the Silver Spring monkeys case of 1981 which led to the first arrest and criminal conviction of animal experiment in …show more content…

The RSPCA can be considered the oldest and was formed in 1824 by Author Broome, William Wilberforce, and Richard Martin. The ASPCA was founded by Henry Bergh in 1866. The two organizations promote animal welfare. They also rescue animals from unsafe places. Placing animals in homes rather than shelters is very important. That’s why the ASPCA has so many commercial about it because animals in a shelter are not as happy as they would be in a

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