Bilingualism In Canada Essay

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2A.) The shaded area on the map of Canada is Quebec, where the primary language in French

2B.) Bilingualism is when an individual can use and speak two or more languages. Bilingualism can positively impact a country by providing economic advantages which can enhance a country’s opportunities for international trade. For example, French-speaking countries such as France and Senegal, as well as English speaking countries such as the United States, Great Britain and Australia could all be trading partners with Canada.With bilingualism, a country is able to participate in international trade with other countries where the same language is spoken.This is due to linguistic diversity which is knowing many different languages. For instance, New Guinea is the most linguistically diverse place in the world. This is because this place has more different languages spoken in it than any other place on Earth. Bilingualism can also positively impact a country by making it a more diverse place, and by improving the residences intelligance.As a result, this diversity can promote tourism which is very important for the economic aspects of a country. This is how biinguilm can have a positive effect on a country. …show more content…

For example, segregation may occur as a result of citizens wanting to live near only people who speak the same language as them. Also, bilingualism serves as a centrifugal force, one that avoids national solidarity among Canadian residents. Since French speakers are a minority in Canada, they can feel discriminated. In the past, this has promoted calls for Quebec to withdraw from Canada and form its own nation. This absence of canadian unity is damaging because it supports a negative disposition towards the focal government which can upset advance toward political and social objectives. This is how bilingualism can have a negative effect on a

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