Big Bird Primary School

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As the morning slowly dawns and the sun begins to beam through the

light boxes on the top of the spacious classrooms, the tables and

chairs begin to glow. Around the edge of the child’s playground the

golden and red leaves begin to whistle in the wind like the sound of a

child’s toy, whilst the sound of the crying babies echoes through the

grounds of Big Bird Primary School as if it were a stuck record.

When the children have arrived and the playground has began to fill

with fragile, pleasant little children ready for new day of fun

learning. When the brass bell sounds, each and every child on the

playground grabs their bag and tries to “bagsy” a place at the front.

When the teachers arrive like soldiers, the sound, which is loud and

frustrating, soon turns into a calm, silence, then immediately the

teachers’ faces light up, as if they have power over the children.

When the register is taken the children soon become fidgety and

agitated as a bee because of the rough, un-even carpet rubs against

their young, soft skin. When the teacher begins to rub her head, the

constant sound off “Yes Miss” is clearly getting to her. As the sound

of the grass mower like a turbine generator, right outside the child

filled classroom is heard, all the pupils get excited as they feel

that spring has finally arrived. The smell of the freshly cut grass,

soon gets to the hay fever sufferers and their eyes begins to water.

As first lesson seems to have faded away and the sun has got brighter

and brighter. The tables seem to have become somewhat dirty, as the

bored children have been unable to find something better to do. The

fashionable “Pokemo...

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irritant cleaning fluids.

As the sun begins to fall in the dazzling horizon, the classrooms

begin to fade away into the darkness and leave the memories there.

The dining room, which in the morning was a clean, tidy, respectful

place, is now a mess. The green vegetables remain stuck to the tables

whereas the rotting ice cream for dessert remains firmly in the

freezer. The classrooms, which were filled with adorable little

children, are now quiet and the only sound, which can be heard, are

the autumn leaves, rustling in the wind, lying outside the classroom.

As there is no light to make the playground twinkle the only way it

can be noticed is by its distinctive smell of freshly cut autumn

grass. Now the sun has slowly slipped away and the sights of Big Bird

Primary School cannot be seen until morning.

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