Exploring the Benefits of Cooperative Learning

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Cooperative learning is a teaching strategy that educators have been using for years. As with everything in life, there are both positives and negatives to group work. Group work increases a students learning in the specific subject, and it also teaches students how to work in teams. Working in teams is a skill that is not only useful to master in order to use in classrooms, but is also a skill that will come in handy in nearly every single job position that is out there. I cannot think of a single job where one does not have to interact and work together with at least one other person. The video, Teaching Group Work, made a good point when they stated that group work is not something that comes naturally to students, but rather it is a skill …show more content…

We are able to provide them with ladders, but they themselves have to climb them. (Slavin,2015). I hope to one day be a high school English teacher, and found many of the suggested ideas for cooperative learning useful. The two that I envision myself using most frequently is the cooperative integrated reading and composition (CRIC) method, and the student teams-achievement divisions (STAD). For example, if I were to be teaching students how to use MLA format I would present the lesson, and then have students work in their group to make sure each of them understands the material. Then they would take a quiz about MLA format. What I like about the STAD method is that, "Students ' quiz scores are compared to their own past averages, and points are awarded on the basis of the degree to which students meet or exceed their own earlier performance." I think this is a great way to get students to focus on the knowledge they 've gained, and progress they 've made rather than the grade that they have received. I also think that a little friendly competition could go a long way in a high school classroom. Based on the way this is presented, and how excited the teacher is about it in the classroom I think that this could be a very effective method of

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