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The advantages and disadvantages of cooperative learning
The advantages and disadvantages of cooperative learning
Cooperative learning advantages and disadvantages
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Cooperative learning is a teaching strategy that educators have been using for years. As with everything in life, there are both positives and negatives to group work. Group work increases a students learning in the specific subject, and it also teaches students how to work in teams. Working in teams is a skill that is not only useful to master in order to use in classrooms, but is also a skill that will come in handy in nearly every single job position that is out there. I cannot think of a single job where one does not have to interact and work together with at least one other person. The video, Teaching Group Work, made a good point when they stated that group work is not something that comes naturally to students, but rather it is a skill …show more content…
We are able to provide them with ladders, but they themselves have to climb them. (Slavin,2015). I hope to one day be a high school English teacher, and found many of the suggested ideas for cooperative learning useful. The two that I envision myself using most frequently is the cooperative integrated reading and composition (CRIC) method, and the student teams-achievement divisions (STAD). For example, if I were to be teaching students how to use MLA format I would present the lesson, and then have students work in their group to make sure each of them understands the material. Then they would take a quiz about MLA format. What I like about the STAD method is that, "Students ' quiz scores are compared to their own past averages, and points are awarded on the basis of the degree to which students meet or exceed their own earlier performance." I think this is a great way to get students to focus on the knowledge they 've gained, and progress they 've made rather than the grade that they have received. I also think that a little friendly competition could go a long way in a high school classroom. Based on the way this is presented, and how excited the teacher is about it in the classroom I think that this could be a very effective method of
Collaboration in the world of education has become an increasingly popular method of addressing a variety of school issues, such as curriculum design, behavioral plans, professional development and management of resources. One of the areas in which collaboration is becoming more popular is co-teaching in special education, where special education teachers and general education teachers share the planning and instruction responsibilities for inclusion classrooms (Friend & Cook, 2010). As academic standards for the education of students with disabilities are held to the same standards as their typical peers due to the No Child Left Behind Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the co-teaching model has been increasingly implemented to meet those needs. Most research has shown co-teaching to be effective in the inclusion classroom, though there are a few studies which have refuted its significance and identified reasons for problems in implementing a successful co-teaching program.
As future teacher, I need to be aware that my classroom will be filled with diverse learners. There will be students that need extra attention, accommodations, and modifications in the classroom to reach their academic goals by way of the collaboration of Special Education and general education teacher’s. There will be diverse learners with different issues to overcome that require a knowledgeable teacher who can assist the students to reach particular individualized goals because, as we know, everyone is different I want to be able to reach out and help every single one of my students and by taking courses about learning the needs of exceptional learners, such as Collaboration for Inclusive Schooling, I may learn how to work with and assist students with special needs and provide for them an opportunity to learn.
Becky is a third grade student who is very shy and acts introverted, meaning she is engrossed with her inner thoughts and feelings than those in her immediate environment (Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, 2012). Becky has issues with school, claiming she does not “like” it and does well in many of her subjects such as reading which is her favorite subject. She internalizes a lot of her thoughts, which can lead to misunderstandings that hurt her feelings and overall, she is very unmotivated to participate in school. As a teacher, there are various things that can be done to overcome some of Becky’s issues with school such as setting achievement and social goals; these goals may be impacted by Becky’s attribution style and temperament.
It was stated in the article that a lot of the students’ vocabulary who lived in poverty in the urban areas was significantly lower than students who came from middle class families. It was also stated that poor families lacked language and verbal skills than those who came from middle class families. There were eight features that were evaluated when looking at students who struggled with language and verbal skills. Some of them include expectations that were challenging, involvement, and success. It seemed as they being socially accepted helped these students succeed as well.
In the article, "Using Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies to Increase Response to Intervention in Inclusive Middle Math Setting," written by Stephen D. Kroeger and Beth Kouche the authors present the positive impacts of using peer-assisted learning strategies (PALS) in middle school. The studied was conducted in a large middle school near a city located in the Midwest. This studied involved 150 seventh-grade students. All of students' math capabilities varied from poor to advanced. In addition, PALS were a class wide peer tutoring based on common core instructional learning strategies.
academic test scores, higher self esteem, greater numbers of positive social skills, fewer stereotypes of
Collaboration within the higher education community is necessary in order to ensure students the best possible service. College counselors and student affairs professionals are often in constant communication with other student affairs professionals and counselors from different institutions than their own. For example, a student affairs professional or counselor at the community college level in a transfer center might be in constant communication with an admission officer working at a four-year institution. The reason for the constant communication between these two professionals can be to clarify what the admission requirements are for the four-year institution. Since things are always changing in regards to transfer requirements, transfer
Increased teacher collaboration and individual teacher reflection undoubtedly contribute to improved professional practices in the classroom. Teachers evolve and mature through discussions with other educators about current practices and ways to improve. Therefore, if teachers are eager to build on present skills they must reach out for objective help, most often from fellow colleagues. Hindin, Morocco, Mott and Aguilar (2007) recognize that changes in practice can occur if one rethinks teaching, and this rethinking evolves from collaborative professional development opportunities. However, the difficulty of teacher collaboration lies in encouraging professionals to gather, discuss and reflect in a manner that is authentic, collaborative,
Imagine you're playing in a volleyball match. The setter sets up the ball for you and you come in, and slam the ball to the floor. In many ways, peer tutoring is like volleyball. The tutee is the hitter, and the tutor is the setter. In this situation, they are peers that the coach, or teacher, put together to score the point, or get the A+. See, the tutor is always trying to make the tutee better. Most peer tutoring programs have had positive results. Many studies prove them to be cost effective and academically beneficial. However, some might argue it to be a waste of time and not at all effective compared to a teacher. Valley Center schools should create a peer tutoring program because it will help students build communication skills, lead students to a better future career, and expand students' general knowledge.
I recently took a course on cooperative discipline and found that many of my own beliefs and practices involving discipline in the classroom were validated and reinforced throughout the class. Students do choose how they will behave and the best way (maybe even the easiest way) to get them to make the right choices in the classroom is to foster a feeling of mutual respect and to give them a sense of responsibility or classroom ownership. Kids want discipline, or maybe to put it differently they want structure and predictability. And the nice thing about Linda Albert’s cooperative discipline model is that it gives the students exactly what they need. But what are our responsibilities? Linda Albert tells us that “the ultimate goal of student behavior is to fulfill a need to belong”, so it is our job to fill that need by helping the student to feel capable, connected, and able to contribute (in a positive way) to the group.
Building self-esteem, enhancing student satisfaction with the learning experience, and promoting a positive attitude toward the subject matter are all benefits of collaborative learning. A higher degree of accomplishment takes place as a group because you essentially are a team. An example of this is a sports team. In a collaborative situation it takes every member to do his or her part in order for a situation to have a greater resolution; as where a sports team needs everybody’s individual talent to win a game. In retrospect, as a group; the contributions of our own talents can make the difference between a “win or Lose situation” it gives you a sense of competition, and knowing that you can win as a group; self esteem in one’s self is accentuated. Johnson and Johnson (1989), Slavin (1967). Another benefit to collaborative learning is based on the members of your group. Every individual in the group demonstrates their own input based on where they were born, what nationality they are so on and so on. The benefit of this is that you get a different perspective on things rather than always knowing what you know. You can take information from other cultures and add or apply it to what you already know.
Some students excel in group learning, while others struggle with simple social tasks, making group work impossible. The key to a good lesson is knowing your students and recognizing when things need to be adjusted or changed throughout the lesson. I observed an 80-minute science class that involved class discussion and group work. The students were engaged in what they were doing and were able to work with their partners to conduct the experiment, collect data, and represent it with a model or poster.
...I believe through the use of critical thinking, communication with students and parents and showing the creative side of learning the collaboration within colleague would be enhanced. I know from my prior experience within the classroom as a substitute that without some collaboration the students are at a disadvantage. One memory stands out the most when collaboration is mention is when I was subbing for a ECE Teacher in a regular learning classroom, while the teacher was giving the rest of the students their assignments I was working one on one with a ECE student that needed the extra help in order to fulfill their task. The teacher and I collaborated on the questions that the student had left to complete before moving on to their homework. Through the use of collaboration the student was able to complete their task and be on the same task as the rest of the class.
Productive learning is when a student is educated or trained and becomes someone that contributes to society. Meaning that it benefits both the student and the community. The goal is to invest in a person in order for them to then use their knowledge and skills to give back to the community. First a child goes through years of general education which is usually from preschool until twelfth grade in High school. After high school, one could attend college or a trade school in order to develop their skills in a specific area. An internship or apprenticeship could be part of the training as well so one could obtain hands on experience in real life situations.
The cooperating teacher used many strategies to maximize her use and her students’ use of English in the classroom. To begin with, Mrs. Sekeli stayed loyal to her decision of always speaking English unless being faced with a serious behavioural issue. By staying constant in her use of English, her students’ expectations on her use of the L2 were set in stone, which I believe motivated them to talk to her in English. Mrs. Sekeli’s positive attitude towards her students’ success also plays a great role in her maximization of the her L2. Knowing what is best for her students and being positive about their success is what pushed her on the daily basis to continually use the L2 in her class. This way, she would not get discouraged to the point of using the students’ first language. This is the main difference I noticed in my two cooperating teacher, and I am positive that it affected their use of English in their classrooms. The first cooperating teacher I was assigned to kept on telling me how his students were a hassle that he couldn't manage anymore, and that he felt like giving up. In class, he could use the L1 for approximately half of the lesson, compared to Mrs. Sekeli