Instructional Strategies: Cooperative Learning

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As future teacher, I need to be aware that my classroom will be filled with diverse learners. There will be students that need extra attention, accommodations, and modifications in the classroom to reach their academic goals by way of the collaboration of Special Education and general education teacher’s. There will be diverse learners with different issues to overcome that require a knowledgeable teacher who can assist the students to reach particular individualized goals because, as we know, everyone is different I want to be able to reach out and help every single one of my students and by taking courses about learning the needs of exceptional learners, such as Collaboration for Inclusive Schooling, I may learn how to work with and assist students with special needs and provide for them an opportunity to learn.
History and Models of Inclusion
Many physicians, educators, and advocates have helped pave the way for exceptional learners, also known as learning disabled, to receive a free and appropriate education. In the early 19th century, the first systematic attempts to assist and educate the “insane” or “idiotic” were made. Due to the lack of understanding the difference between those that are “insane” and those with disabilities, many were placed into asylums instead of receiving the correct services. With the idea of democracy and individual freedoms, political, medical, and educational authorities advocated for the learning disabled by providing them the necessary skills to become independent, productive citizens.
Physicians, such as Philippe Pinel, Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard, and Edouard Seguin, laid the foundation for today’s understanding of exceptional learners. Though, at the time, it was considered revolutionary ideas, ...

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...tunity and responsibility to prove to them that they can. If an exceptional learner has someone believing in them, there is a higher chance of the children believing in themselves.
Though there may be challenges when faced with including students that have special needs in the general education classroom, the benefits out way the challenges. By having these types of students included in to the classroom we, the teacher, exceptional learner, other students, and parents, can all learn from one another by communicating and collaborating on what needs to be done to succeed in and out of the classroom. It is important to consider and understand all the aspects to a child with special needs because I, a future teacher, will have these types of students in my classroom and I want to do anything and everything it takes for them to achieve and succeed in life.

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