Benefits And Advantages Of Internship

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What are the benefits and advantages of internships? Internships help you gain exposure to real issues not found in textbooks, it also helps to increase your skills that are readily marketable from doing an internship. Interning can provide you with personal growth experiences and exposure to different job opportunities. Internships give you the opportunity to evaluate potential employers nearly risk free, which is a plus. I did an internship for a year at my church. The first thing I had to do was find the facility I was going to do the internship with. The next thing was to engage a suitable mentor for the work I was going to do as an intern. After talking to two perspective mentors one was chosen. Your mentor has to be dedicated to your success, and your spiritual growth. He or she must not be afraid of telling you the truth, and make sure you can follow instructions. An internship helps you to clarify your goals, gain experience by applying your knowledge and skills in work related situations.
Experiences you will learn
You will learn what you can do and the areas you need to work on in your studies. An Internship will help you gain the confidence you need to perfect your abilities. You will also gain valuable work experience. It also will give you some insight on how to solve problems with in your work area. Your internship will help you network by establishing a contact base, and references which can give you future letters of support. Internships provide hands-on learning opportunities, and also can lead to employment. All internships do not guarantee employment, but the experience is worth it. Whether you are compensated or not, the internship can provide you some academic credit to help you farther your education. Emp...

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... that are for academic credit; which foster a particular discipline of mind. There are Internships that are primarily clerical or mechanical do not qualify for academic credit, but they increase marketability to employers. On average, only 30% of graduating seniors have job offers before graduation; however, after completing an internship, that figure rises to 58%.
I had never done an internship before so it was a learning experience for me. Would I do this over again probably, would I recommend an internship to someone? Yes I would, it is very rewarding growth in integrity, character, and spirituality if you let the Lord refine you, and you are able to take constructive criticism, which helps you refine your weaknesses. I think this is a great course and would recommend it to another student, thanks for the opportunity to learn and grow from this experience.

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