Being Smart And Lazy Essay

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Be smart and be lazy. The act of being smart and lazy is similar to how Allan F. Mogensen said “Work Smarter, not harder.” Which means to produce the highest quality result in the shortest amount of time. Being smart and lazy is about achieving goals with the maximum efficiency and the least amount of effort. Meaning that laziness can be overridden by intelligent solutions. Laziness and intelligence are viewed quite differently and not always used together in the same context. There are exclusions to that when people are saying that someone is smart, but they are too lazy. Laziness, is it really bad or can it be a good thing? Bill gates said “[he] will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job… because, he will find an easy way to …show more content…

Being smart is usually viewed as a bad thing among youth in society, as being smart does not equal being cool. Even the celebrity that people may view as cool tend to be quite smart but simply act dumb. The way these celebrities act tends to trick people into thinking they are dumb and lazy. This affect is causing a drop in intelligence throughout our society and needs to be addressed. Intelligence is not something that is provided as easily though basic schooling, but something that’s learned and worked for in higher education. This higher requirement and lack of motivation to excel and seek intelligence is endangering society. Intelligence is defined by the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. This definition shows that intelligence is not something that is easy to acquire and requires work and applying energy. Which makes being lazy hard in today’s society as people need to work hard to gain the knowledge to needed …show more content…

Well they have the knowledge and possibly skills to do the job, but they want to get it done as quickly as possible so they can move on to the things they want to do. This is a person that needs to finish a task and has the know-how to figure out the easiest way to get it done. There are jobs where this kind of person would prevail in and some they wouldn’t. Jobs such as programmers, web developers, and most computer related work could prevail this kind of person as their work needs to be as optimized as possible and run without a problem. Jobs that a smart and lazy person could experience trouble with are jobs they lack passion for, as their laziness might overshadow their intelligence. This kind of person who should work in a field that they are passionate

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