Assess The Role Of Forgiveness In Christianity

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Christianity teaches that forgiveness begins with God. Christian believers are taught they are to forgive others as God has forgiven them. There are a variety of denominations within Christianity, each with a slightly differing viewpoint. Most Christian denominations believe that God's ultimate forgiveness for the sins or wrongful actions of humanity comes through accepting the blood of Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice and substitute for his justice. They are taught to pray and ask God for forgiveness for their sins. On the other hand, there are some Christians who believe that our sense of separateness from God is actually an illusion that leads to guilt and fear. They believe we can release this sense of guilt and fear through the practice of forgiveness. In forgiving others, we learn to forgive ourselves and thus our illusions of separateness can be healed. The Apostle Paul, who played a major role in establishing Christianity, said, "Forgive as the Lord forgave you." …show more content…

The core scriptures of Buddhism acquired from the teachings of the Buddha nearly 2,500 years ago, state’s the significance of forgiveness. Buddhism teaches the importance of the peaceful state of mind as well as a peaceful way of life, Buddhists believe that forgiveness is a critical step to achieving this peaceful state. In the Buddhist belief system, there is no such thing as a god with the control to punish or forgive. Their idea of forgiveness is an important part of their teachings as the Buddha teaches the significance of forgiving others as well as yourself. As Buddhists believe that atonement, as well as forgiveness towards other as well as yourself, is a vital stage on the path towards a healthier life and a stepping stone on the way to enlightenment. “Giving up hatred and forgiving the harm done to us by others allows us to move on and to achieve peace of

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