Arthur Jenness's Theory Of Conformity

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Conformity can be seen as the influence that creates a change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with the current social norms. Arthur Jenness was the first psychologist to study the idea of conformity with his study involving beans and a glass bottle. His study was to see if individual participants would change their answer once in a group setting with more people discussing their thought on how many beans could be in the glass bottle. Jenness found that nearly everyone had changed their answer and that each group changed their amount on average from 250-380 beans. He discovered that social influence can create this sense of conformity because participants may have believed that their guess with the group was better than their own individual guess. The significance of this concept is that it helps explain why people change to become a certain aspect of society or to fit in with at least one group of people. This includes the people who say that they do not conform with modern day society, they are conforming to one group none the …show more content…

When you see any college based movie, there is always a rather large party full of too much drinking, drugs, and sexual decisions. This kind of behavior can get college students into a lot of trouble, whether it be legal trouble or a possible overdose. The movies do not show when the fun goes wrong or what it can do to your body when you do too much. Students conform to this idea because they think that is how to live the college life, that it is really the only way to have fun in the length of time that you are in school. Although this kind of entertainment can be seen as fun with moderation or at least being smart about it, it is highly encouraged to conform to that idea. Whether it shall be tailgates or frat house/ sport house parties, they all contain the same idea of college

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