Art Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

798 Words2 Pages

Julianna J 11th
Why Art Should be Taught in Schools

Art is a vastly underrated subject in America’s educational system. Art is the amalgamation of creativity and the various forms it manifests in; painting, writing, drawing, sculpting, performing arts, graphic design, music, and filmmaking. It is often taught at the bare minimum to reserve time for more “important and useful” subjects; like math and science. More important? More useful? On what terms? Is it the common speculation that math and science have many fields that a person could easily get a steady career in while art is an unpredictable career choice? Art is equally important, in different ways, as math and science in the education of kids and higher-level students. Art is a release from the cognitive skills, not a replacement. It doesn’t hold students back, it boosts their academic achievement. It is also observed to aid in the development of …show more content…

Studies have shown that students who have art programs in school exhibited better performance in school as well as motivation. A report by Americans for the Arts states that “young people who participate regularly in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement, to participate in a math and science fair or to win an award for writing an essay or poem than children who do not participate.” Students learn better with art than they do without it. Not everyone can learn by solely looking at powerpoints, or reading out of textbook, and completing worksheets. Many people are visual learners, meaning they need see, or experience, the subject they are learning. For others, visual learning is a plus. School shouldn’t be so heavily reliant on methods, theorems, and thousands upon thousands of facts with varying levels of relevance to everyday life. Contrarily, art, music, and writing can be found and connected with everywhere by

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