Argumentative Essay On Video Games

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With the help of the same fundamentals and technology used for video games, schools can change the way our children grasp, and understand the world around us. Children and schools are not the only ones who are able to reap the benefit of gaming. A study from the University of Toronto, lead by Professor Ian Spence, demonstrated that adults are just as easily affected by video games as children. “Playing an action videogame, even for a relatively short time, causes differences in brain activity and improvements in visual attention (“Central Nervous System; Action videogames change brains”).” After studying twenty-five adults, tasked with playing a video game for 10 hours a week, Spencer had learned that those adults did not only have increased …show more content…

The University of California, San Francisco has been looking into that very question. A study about a racing video game, called NeuroRacer, is focusing on the effects that games might have on the older population. NeuroRacer is a driving game, where the player has to remember signs off the side of the road to complete the game (Dzieza). The University of California studied brain waves of an adult population before they were prescribed NeuroRacer, and their brain waves after playing for 12 hours a month. The results showed that the adults who played the game had an increase in brain activity. Brain scans showed that their brain activity was not only improved, but it matched that of a young teen. All made possible because of the video game they played. Doctors believe that video games might be an effective combatant against memory loss and other attention/memory disorders(Dzieza). While the technology is not fully developed yet, the University of California is also working to expand video games to help with ADHD, autism, depression, and other mental disorders …show more content…

Time and time again, it has been proven that video games will not make a peaceful person violent. Video games are learning tools. Moving forward into this digital age, video games will help us become smarter as a community by using them as learning tools. By implementing them into the education system and medical practices, video games can vastly improve the way we teach, learn, heal, and perform. It is on the people to regulate video games so that they do not teach the wrong things to the wrong people. As a society we must accept that video games will always be around. It’s important that we use them for recreational uses and to learn new things. They consist of many positive fundamentals and applications; it would be foolish not to use them to our advantage, and change the way we learn as

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