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Psychology and video games
Psychology and video games
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Someone is sitting on a stage with people clapping and people cheering, but they didn’t sing or dance, they did magic while playing a video-game. This is competitive gaming. People can see and know that gaming is fun. They are playing a sport. Some disagree with this, but many other people believe it is. The players must go to the gym for fast reactions and stamina and must be very mentally focused, and just agree to stick with the trends as well. Video gaming should be a sport. Many people believe that Video-games are a sport, but the few oddballs are disagreeing. According to debate.org it’s 66% to 34%. That’s more than half the people. There is not enough people that disagree to stop video-gaming being a sport. For those that stick with
the trends. Well gaming being a sport is clearly the trend. Not only would video-gaming be a sport but it would keep evolving with new installments in certain series as well as keep cycling champions of gaming. This would be great because many young stars would get a chance to be a champion, and a Champion winning twice would be more rewarding. Imagine the feeling of winning twice in an evolving world. People that disagree normally use this as an argument. “Gaming doesn’t have any physical activity,” but in order to have quick reactions and stamina they must sleep and work-out a ton. Many people overlook this and think that the only physical activity is the players moving their fingers. They must also be healthy for the same reasons. If you disagree with this then look at the New York Times article for further information. So yes there is some physical activity when playing the games.
...it sports require movement if even the slightest. It would not be the right thing to do to call this a sport it would disgrace the name of sports and it could be insulting to those who participate in real sports. Considering all the training and hard work put into their game then have a poker player who probably does nothing in preparation for their game but yet can have the title of athlete. Does not seem fair to all the athletes that risk injury in pursuit for glory in their sport. A card game is not a sport like Matt Pusateri says in his article “lets try to pretend it’s something it isn’t .” "The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play." –Olympic Charter
Dodgeball is loved by children across the nation. I know this because I’m one of them. Our class always wines to play it and we get to on Fridays as our reward for making it through the week. If we get rid of dodgeball we have to replace it with something. Tag is not an option as it’s also banned in many schools for being to rough. According to The Weak Shall Inherit The Gym- Not only tag but even musical chairs and duck goose has been banned for being unfair. Those games have been added to the Physical Education Hall Of Shame. The things that replace dodgeball is even worse. There is jump rope without a rope so you can never fail! Also there is swedish baseball where you get free passage to a base and get a 2 minute massage.These new P.E games aren’t fun they’re torture. It’s like playing a card game and you get to play any cars you want and everyone wins.
... be defined by a traditional art definition. These definitions of art cover a traditional definition and both authors agree that video games cannot be defined by these definitions, therefore video games need to be defined by a new definition. Video games are a collaborative effort of a team of artists that tell a dynamic story sometimes greater than those of movies. This story involves the player as a main driving force and an important.
I have never honestly thought of why marching band shouldn't be a sport which made my reasons why hard to think of. I went to my band director Mr. Jones and asked him why people don't consider marching band a sport. Mr. Jones believes the difficulty of the show and band being fine arts makes people think it isn't a sport. Show difficulty varies with the region, band and the director. If the band doesn't care or have motivation, the band director might pick an easier show because the students don't want to work hard. The music aspect makes the band fine arts and doesn't count us as a sport which is
Video games. They provide an escape from reality to explore worlds and realms beyond our own. However there is a lot of controversy surrounding wether or not video games are good for you, many people are under the impression that video games turn kids and adults alike into mindless zombies hellbent on violence but in this essay I aim to convince you that not only is this untrue but that video games are actually beneficial. I’d also like to mention that too much of anything is bad for your health,for example extremely high quantities of broccoli can be toxic.
Thus, hockey, soccer, football, baseball, basketball, tennis, etc. are all considered to be sports because they have professional teams that play at a national level. These sports are extremely competitive, obviously physically exerting, and they require quite a bit of skill and natural athletic ability. In these regards, it’s easy to classify them as sports because they clearly fulfill all the criteria that determines if an activity is a sport or not. Unless there are official fishing competitions (which, according to the 2017 Bassmaster Tournament Schedule, there have already been at least 36 competitions this year at the local, regional, and national level), most people don’t believe it to be a sport. Other recreational activities such as bowling, skating, fishing, and even debate, are deemed by society to be hobbies, clubs, or pastimes.
Do video games cause violence? Violence in our real world caused by playing a video game that has guns in it or even death. Some people say they do and others don't. Here are my three reasons why video games do not, have not, and will not cause violence.
Our nation has changed over the years. There is no question about that. The generation that my grandfather grew up in during the 1930’s and 1940’s has often been called “The Greatest Generation” (Brokaw). Why is my generation not talked about for our inventions and advances in technology? Maybe that the downfall of our generation has been the media and the influence it has on the public? There is no doubt that the media can spin a story into a shocking and scary account produced solely on the intent to sell. This information force-fed to the public can cause fear and hatred to develop within our country and result in gun violence and bloodshed. One reason for the amount of youth violence in America is the violent content in many video games.
Whether they be first-person shooters like Call of Duty, sports games like Madden or Fifa, racing games like Forza or Mariokart, or even games and apps on your phones, there are quite a bit of gamers in here. According to the Entertainment Software Association, about 59% of American play some sort of video game, so gaming isn’t all that uncommon (Entertainment Software Association, 2014). As such, there must be some sort of effect on the audience of this growing form of entertainment.
Video games can give players experience and knowledge, but they can also, at the same time, drain energy from a player by taking away vital sleep the night before a game . Video games can be a great source of basic athletic skills, improving hand eye coordination and visual search skills. Young athletes, who have been playing and practicing with sports video games have a greater understanding than older sports stars did when they first began playing a sport, but video games cannot create an athlete. Video games help athletes become better at their sport, but the video games cannot help a person become an athlete. "A better analogy for virtual training [sports video games] could be weight lifting: It’s an activity that won’t turn you into a professional athlete, but if you are one, it will make you better at your sport" (Suellentrop 20). Sports video games impact sports performance positively, but a balance must be found between video games and real life practicing, as video games can cause harm just as much as improvement for and athletes sports performance
We reluctantly obeyed her wishes, but would soon return to our gaming habits once our mother would ease on her restrictions as she was wont to after a period of time. It was this adversity to something I liked that turned my attention to the prejudice that video games faced. In the words of Marshall McLuhan, one of the earliest and most influential individuals in the field of media theory, “The student of media soon comes to expect the new media of any period whatever to be classed as pseudo by those who acquired the patterns of earlier media, whatever they may happen to be.”One important thing to keep in mind about video games is that they are the newest medium and that with that title video games are going to face a plethora of opposition, that is the nature of response to new media, it happened to film, it happened to theatrical plays, it even happened to books. Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter, argued against the consensus amongst the general population saying, “The most debased forms of mass
Video games have been around about 50 years and they contribute a big part of the U.S. economy. People interact with video games every day throughout different ways, such as cell phone devices, computers, consoles or whatever which has a screen on it. In fact, it has always affected people’s lives. However, not so many people understand the benefits of video games. With video games, people can not only relieve themselves from stress and suffering, but it also improves people’s social experiences while they are exchanging and absorbing knowledge with other people; more than that, people can learn many other things from video games which can help them to achieve great things in lives.
Whitford, Steve. "Gaming Is NOT a Sport." Do Gaming. N.p., 11 Jan. 2011. Web. 13 Dec. 2013
Is Hunting a Sport? You are walking in the forest bending down here and there eating the grass, then out of nowhere ¨bam!¨. There is a sharp, intense pain in your side as you fall on the ground like a sack of potatoes, and with your final moments you hear, ¨Woo hoo! I nailed one!¨. Then you fall into a deep eternal slumber.
Several years ago, technology and child’s play were not such as extremely developed as today. Thousands of teenagers have video game as their primary form of entertainment at home. The disagreement about violent video games is because they focus on several subjects such as violence scenes, pornographic content, racism and other resources. For many years, researchers have been debating if video games can cause dependence or not. However, an expert, Jack Flanagan believes video games have a really negative effect on a person’s life and even for children. Jack states that video game addiction exists, and can have the same effects as drugs and alcohol (Netzley 36-37). This shows that video game addiction can be like other addictions