Argumentative Essay On Trisha's Childhood

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There are always stories of people pursuing their education based solely on what their parents mandate that they study. At times, people choose what they’re going to study based on how much money such a position will offer. Every once in a while, one’s life is molded to create a perfect fit for a person to work. I strongly believe that based on life experience, education, and determination, one is literally born to fulfill such a career. In this narrative, I believe Trisha was born to become a social worker.
For Trisha, unbeknowst to her, the drugs were becoming more of an issue. She was only
5 years old; yet, her psychological state was already being pushed to its limits. Her dad spent most of the weekends on methamphetamine benders.
When …show more content…

Trisha’s mother decided to go to school while she could make the time. Fortunately,
Trisha’s grandmother stepped into to help Trisha’s mother. Because of this, Trisha’s mother could attend school.
Trisha’s mother pushed herself and acquired an associate’s degree in childhood studies.
She did this because she was only 17 and didn’t know how to be a mother. In doing so, Trisha’s mom was able to support Trisha and herself.

Trisha’s mother is her rock. As early as Trisha could remember, she would hear her parents incessantly arguing. “After my parents would argue, I’d throw-up.” “Throwing up, unfortunately, was what my body did under the stress…” Trisha’s plight was in action.
Based on Trisha’s early life experiences, she began to establish the direction and passion to become a social worker. I know that a lot of young adults will blame their problems for the issues they have; however, Trisha has turned what some might consider family issues, to strengths. After Trisha’s father’s last bender, Trisha’s mother took Trisha and her to live with her aunt. They had nothing and were going to a new state. Trisha recently celebrated her 5th birthday... In a new state, Trisha had to adjust. She had just started kindergarten and was

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