Argumentative Essay On Parking Garages

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Also, with the ability to make thin film solar, parking garages can now become mini power plants. What are the tops of parking garages used for anyway? Why not use them to create energy efficient, planet friendly electricity? In large cities where there are multiple parking garages, the garage can power the business that who’s employees park there.
Last, solar power cost is becoming more cost competitive with fossil fuels, therefore decreasing our reliance on fossil fuels. A rise in fossil fuel costs is causing the price of electricity to increase also. With this increase and the decrease in the production cost of solar panels, it has narrowed the cost gap between fossil fuel and solar power. According to the California Energy Commission, “The cost of electricity from the sun, through photovoltaics (literally meaning "light-electricity") has dropped from more than $1/kilowatt-hour in 1980 to nearly …show more content…

In an article published by Mother Earth News, “The price of a PV panel has dropped 63 percent since 2010, bringing utility-scale system costs down to $1.85 per watt” (Roberts). For the businesses and homeowners that are environmentally savvy and wish to save on their electricity bills, solar power is closing the distance between it and fossil fuels. Not only has the cost of producing electricity by solar panel decreased over the years, the cost of instillation has decreased also. According to an article in the Buffalo News, “cost of solar energy systems also has dropped. System costs fell by 8 percent last year and have declined by 49 percent since 2010” (Robinson). For homeowners and businesses, this puts reaping the benefits of solar panels within nearly everyone’s price range. The cost of manufacturing and the kilowatt will continue to decrease as new technology improves how solar panels are made and the decreasing supply of fossil fuels

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