Argumentative Essay On Christian Candidates

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A Christian can become involved in politics initially by registering to vote. Christians need to be an advocate of Christian values even at the voting polls. One way this can be done is to show up and vote any time there is an election. Before going to the polls, Christians should carefully consider the platform of each candidate. Christian candidates are more likely to keep God's values where they should be, first and foremost in the United States of America. A candidate with Christian values that expresses a desire to ensure Christian concerns are addressed if elected should be a front-runner when a Christian votes. Christians can campaign for candidates which support moral issues at local, state and federal levels to attempt to ensure candidates with Christian values gets elected. Christians become members of various political groups such as the Christian Coalition of America to join forces with like minded Christians to convince politicians to vote in accordance with God's plan for his people on all issues. “If we are going to be able to change policy and influence decisions, it is imperative that people of faith become committed to doing what Ronald Reagan called "the hard work of freedom". Christian Coalition …show more content…

These individuals form alliances with other like minded individuals. They contact their legislators and congressmen in an effort to get the laws changed in their favor. As Christians and United States citizens, we must make certain our voices are heard by our elected officials. We can also become involved in politics by lobbying politicians in an attempt to persuade them to vote in accordance with God's plan on issues regarding Christian morality such as abortion, defending traditional marriage otherwise known as gay marriage, and other issues vital to maintaining a government with Christian

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