Christian Doctrine Essay

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Name: Edy Mangin
Seminar Note 1: Introduction to Christian Doctrines


The Christian faith is grounded upon the understanding that there is a God, and God has revealed Himself to man in the Scriptures. We need to search the meaningful authority to prove and to acknowledge the divine authority. But human beings with their darkened minds and limited powers cannot infiltrate the knowledge of God. We have to humbly ourselves and let the Scriptures express themselves since God Almighty has revealed Himself in the Scriptures.
The prophets themselves declared that they are not the instigator of the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit is the divine source of the truth they accept. It is written all over the Bible the prophets’ acknowledgment of the Holy Spirit agency. Human agents are acquainted as well as the Holy Spirit operation is asserted. God knows when is the time human needs to be given instruction and can receive and understand the message. That is when the Holy Spirit reveals the message.

Revelation, Inspiration and Illumination
Before we are going to talk deeply about how God communicates to human being, we need to distinguish some terms that relating with the works of the prophets
Revelation refers primarily to God’s disclosure of truth trough words, acts, or any other means, but most fully in the person of Jesus Christ. It refers to the content of truth-the subject matter that is communicated to the prophet. “It is the content of the message communicated by God to His prophet in the process of inspiration.” (Roger Coon, Inspiration/Revelation: What It is and How it Works, Part I, 18)
Inspiration is the way God communicates His truth to human being. It is “a process by which God enables a man or wo...

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... In order to understand the Bible we must read it as the Psalmist says “O how I love Thy law! It is my meditation all the day.” (Psa. 119:97). However there some suggestions to cope with the study of the Bible in effective manner. The Bible was written a long time ago before us. That is why we need to deal with some back grounds, context, and theology differs with our time. Some hermeneutics principles can help us how to work in the better frame of interpret the Bible, such as the literary context, historical context and how to compare Scripture.
As we search the word of God with passion and earnestly, the Holy Spirit will illuminate us, so we can grasp his will in our life “until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.” (Eph. 4:13).

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