Annotated Bibliography: Allen's Rumination

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Allen’s Rumination

Gideon Itua Inetanbor

Copyright © 2015 by Gideon Itua Inetanbor.

ISBN: Softcover 978-1-4931-9392-9 eBook 978-1-4990-9693-4

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AGAIN N’ AGAIN ..................................................................................... 7
ANOTHER DAY........................................................................................ 41
ASKEW(RAI) ............................................................................................. 50
DANCE! DANCE TO THY RHYTHM ................................................... 12
DEVILS DANCE ....................................................................................... 32
EAST CAME THE STAR............................................................................ 3
EMOTION(RAI) ........................................................................................ 46
FACES......................................................................................................... 45
FALL AGAIN ............................................................................................. 10
FALL TALL................................................................................................. 38
FUN UZOBO ............................................................................................. …show more content…

To every heart you have given reason, an impasse to conform or die inexperience.
So sweet you are, yet so bitter your cup in presentation, how insincere” Will a heart be without you in drama? without you in song, without your enchant
My heart has come to realize, its stream became red only because you came passing. Finding my vim to keep on trying again and again! THE OTHER SIDE OF LOVE

It is two that can play the game, two of opposite in sex grade; Two with respect for each other, two with great affection two of like - differ kinds what more can you give if no receiver how can one ever play the game?
The game meant for two, would I alone show you feelings when love is all about give and take?

Is the friend of your enemy an enemy or just a friend?
If love is blind, can you forget were you are coming from
Lovers met is joyful as both sings, the cradle great by only a sight, vision from afar, illusion of merry go round

hoping in the name of love covet your emotion
Death an everlasting shadow, love a great radiation
Loving in the present of death even when death convey love; full deflection of reality on the great master experience is the other side of love. FALL

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