Anna Quindlen Finding Common Ground

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Finding Common Ground
In regards to finding common ground, it is believed that individuals can live under one human race. Kofi Annan said, “ We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.” This statement emphasizes acceptance of one another. Two authors in this unit also argue that individuals should find common ground. In “ Quilt of a country”, Anna Quindlen argues that people can be united even through diversity. Also Bill Clinton asserts that in times of conflict differences should be put aside. In his speech, he emphasizes working together as one. Both of these texts help the reader understand the message behind Annan’s quote- that we can live together as “ One human race.” Finally, conflict and progress toward acceptance has shed a light on an ultimate truth, that beings can live under one human race despite their differences.
Anna Quindlen writes about diversity and the unity of the people. Based on her text, “ Quilt of a Country” people can exist under one human race, uniting through diversity. One example that supports this position from the text “ Quilt …show more content…

Despite the opposition, this concept is false because not everyone discriminates others abominably, the label of a racist can not be applied to every person. For example, Anna Quindlen states in her argument , “ Yet even in 1994, the overwhelming majority of those surveyed by the National Opinion Research center agreed with this statement: ‘The U.S. is a unique country that stands for something special in the world.’ ” ( Quindlen lines 60- 64). This piece of evidence demonstrates that racism does not dictate daily life in a severe way to the point of preventing unity, but that people , and it may not be all, believe that the U.S. is a nation that is significantly sui

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