Animal Cruelty: Educating to Eliminate

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People seem to look at animals as a source of their own entertainment. When people go to the zoo or the circus, many do not seem to wonder if the animal is happy or not. They only worry about being entertained after all, that is why they paid to see animals in cages or doing tricks. People may not see it, but animal cruelty does not only happen in homes it also happens in circuses, zoos, and labs. It can take place anywhere, and it can happen all over the world. Many people use animals as transportation, food, and entertainment, and not once do they look at the animal’s face and think, “is this right?” No, instead they kept treating animals as if they are some sort of object that belongs to them. Animals do not have a voice to speak up for themselves to let people know that they are being treated wrong. Many people tend to overlook animal cruelty because to them it does not seem like the animals are being hurt. Animal cruelty is anything that can cause harm to the animal, whether it physical or psychological. It occurs for many different reasons, but none of them are right. It is a worldwide issue that seems to be overlooked. People should educate themselves about animal cruelty because it can help to decrease or eliminate it.
Some people do not consider certain acts of animal cruelty to be cruelty or they do not care. Normally the people who think like that are the ones who are actually causing the animal abuse themselves. Animal abusers sometimes do not see any wrong in what they are doing because they do not care what the animals feel. They do not think if the animals are happy or being hurt, they just continue doing what they are doing because to them it is not cruelty towards the animal. Some, though, do not believe that t...

... middle of paper ... animal abuse can happen in different ways and perhaps they will realize that they are causing the animal harm.
The animal is also treated badly because people believe that they are superior to animals and should be seen as a higher species. In many incidents that sort of attitude leads towards animals getting abused. In cases where people think that they are better than animals, they believe that the animal does not deserve to be treated like people. People should change the way they see animals and stop treating them like they are the lower species. When animals are seen as an inferior species, many people tend to treat them bad due to the fact that they believe that animals do not really feel pain or care how they are treated. Animals are not seen the same has people, they are all different but still animals should not have their rights taken away from them.

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