Animal Cruelty Essay

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Animal Cruelty
It is a reasonable thought to think that humans as a society must respect the environment around them in order to have balance. Balance as in knowing what is moral and just and what is blatantly wrong. Sadly, this is nothing more than a thought. Abuse towards the environment, especially animals, is present everywhere. Whether it be through emotional pain, physical pain, or the extent of the abuse, mistreatment of any animal should not be tolerated and should be brought awareness to. It is up to us to decide what should be done about it and figure out how we can better our environment, instead of causing more pain. I believe that this is a much more reasonable thought and can eventually benefit every person and animal alike.
Abuse in any setting can have effects that may not be visible on the outside, but rather, lie deep within. Animals, especially house pets are easily imprinted on and often times know no other life than the home that they live in. Establishing rules and boundaries in the household is important, but when these rules are disobeyed (such as establishing where the ‘bathroom’ is), knowing how to properly reprimand the animal is key. Proper discipline results in a well-behaved animal, but being unnecessarily hostile towards the animal can result in a series of emotional problems that can make training the animal even harder. An excess of fear is a sign of the psychological effects of abuse. Once fear is instilled in an animal, issues regarding behavior can start to arise. Even in an environment that is meant to serve the purpose of emulating a wild animal’s habitat, psychological damage will most likely occur. For example, taking a baby orca from it’s pod and putting it in a small enclosu...

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... will have a significant decrease in the following years.
All in all, emotional pain, physical pain, or the extent of the abuse, is mistreatment towards any animal and should not be tolerated but instead be brought awareness to. It is our job to be the voice for the creatures who cannot speak up for themselves. Followed by the empathy of humans, especially that of children, I believe that by bringing awareness to this social injustice will result in a more thoughtful and compassionate community who will have the power and responsibility to make choices in the best interest of animals. It will give the community a sense of pride to stand up for something so important to society. Finally, the actions that we can take in order to bring about the awareness of animal cruelty will have a significance to ensuring the safety of pets and other animals across the globe.

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