Angels Camp Incident Essay

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Enterprise Report

An Angels Camp woman was arrested by the Angels Camp Police Department on suspicion of allegedly killing three dogs under the care of her kennel in Angels Camp according to officials.

The owner of the dogs contacted Angels Camp Police on Friday, July 7, and reported that he believed his dogs were illegally killed while under the care of Vonna Hughes, 68 of Angels Camp, owner of the Pet Bath House.

Previous to moving his dogs to the Pet Bath House, the owner of the dogs boarded them at a facility in Valley Springs where they stayed for 18 months. According to police, he visited the dogs on a regular basis, but in Mid-June, he was advised that the dogs were showing signs of “kennel stress” and would have to be moved.

Police report that the victim …show more content…

A second-incident was reported to the dog’s owner on July 1. Hughes allegedly told the owner of the dogs that they were involved in another fighter, this time, causing injuries to the other dogs and Hughes as well.

A day later, Hughes allegedly called the dog owner again to notify him that the three dogs were “put down” due to aggressive behavior and indicated to the victim that police were involved in the matter.

On July 4, Angels PD obtained the information and an investigation commenced. It was discovered that Hughes allegedly provided false details to Calaveras County Animal Services regarding the status of the dogs and the severity of the injuries. According to Angels PD, the victim’s call was the first call they received on the matter.

According to officials, Hughes initially told animal services that the dogs were returned to the custody of the owner. She later advised police that the dogs were released.

However, it was discovered that Hughes arraigned for a third party to “take care” of the dogs. At this time, it is unknown if the dogs are alive or dead, nor the location of the

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