Ancestry Book Report

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This represents my best effort to concisely present our direct family tree from the earliest days to now. It represents 100's of hours of reading and research on my part, plus the effort to sort through and present it in a straightforward and consecutive manner. Although real genealogists consider essentially a “lore” site, it was a great resource especially for census, newspaper articles, and probate records. I found however, many errors and very careless work in the member trees and was fighting that battle even while compiling this book. Anyone can report anything on Ancestry; try to do your own research before just taking someone's information at face value. I think it is sorted out for the most part. Much of the material …show more content…

I have little interest in second and third cousins several times removed. In full disclosure, John is also the source of several unsubstantiated claims. I include those, but don't claim them for fact. In this book I dealt with direct descendants and generally only mention siblings of our ancestors, nor list their children. There are a few exceptions when their story was especially interesting or had a bearing on our ancestor. John H. Doty talked to Grand Aunt Phoeba, Grand Uncle Ados, and Uncle Thomas Seldon Doty which is unfortunate as they were evidently either not very helpful or forthcoming. Even in the revised edition our family is very incomplete, missing several of grandfather's children and descendants. The Sowards/Tipswords book is much less recommended though it does reference good source material. I found it confusing, often non sequential and with some conflicting information. I spent hours trying to sort out two …show more content…

It also shows several markers to Native American paternal background, lending credence to the “Indian Princess” lore. DNA is not accepted by the Mayflower Society at this time however, and because of the lack of paperwork for Thomas and Rosanna's marriage, David and Rachel's marriage, David's birth, and Daniel's death, membership in the Mayflower Society is not possible for our line. I have made every effort at accuracy and think there are few errors but I'm not a trained genealogist. You have to take some of the information with a grain of salt as it is based primarily on tradition and hearsay. That being said, I wish there were more stories, legend or

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