Geneology: The Study of Your Family History

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There are many people who aim to properly define themselves in this world indulging in soul-searching, curious about who was before them and genealogy is a powerful tool to use to find the answers to questions many people across the world are asking. According to “What is genealogy” (2014), “genealogy is the study of your unique family history. It is a personal record of your ancestors -- when they were born and where they lived, who their children were and who they married, and where you belong in your extended family tree. Learning about your family history usually starts at home by talking with relatives and friends, and recording information about your ancestors.” It can be frustrating to one who knows he has a story but is not able to account for the beginning chapters. Everyone is different and each person’s story is unique so it is imperative to be knowledgeable of yours. Trying to track an ancestor may prove to be a tedious task for some but maybe a little less hassling for others. Once a person has the desired drive and attitude to fill the missing pieces of the puzzle then positive results are possible. One may think of going to a genealogy centre or a facility that provides genealogical services in order to get results which is recommended and commendable but work can be done before leaving the home. It is important to first talk to family members, ask questions and make jottings. Search through family documents carefully for birth certificates, marriage certificates or any document that will outline critical information about the members of the family tree. Each person who indulges in genealogical research may not have the same needs and objectives. Some people may just do it for the fun of it, wh...

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...oduction was taking place so it is possible to find ancestors from that background and pipeline.
Genealogy is the study and research of one’s family line tracing back to previous generations. A well-defined vision of moving forward is made fully equipped by the knowledge of one’s past and ancestors. Institutions that facilitate genealogy research are vital to a population’s self-recognition and should be continuously developed. Genealogy research can prove to be such an emotional adventure that may appear tedious and boring initially but slowly becomes compelling and captivating. The Seminar on the Cayman Islands and any Seminar are vital components of the college’s curriculum because it does what no other course does which is to physically expose the student to what is being taught. All the senses get the opportunity to be engulfed in the valuable experiences.

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