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Geneticheredity counseling
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Family history possesses valuable information about a person’s past and future life. It can be used as a powerful screening tool to help conduct decisions about genetic testing for you and family members at risk. Family history can identify potential health problems that an individual has an increased risk for in their lifetime. With early identification, you can begin taking steps to reduce the risk with things such as lifestyle changes of diet and exercise. In many cases, just by adopting a healthier lifestyle can reduce your risk for diseases that run in your family. Your genetic information determines the genes you inherit that may cause or elevate your risk of certain medical conditions. My family genogram clearly indicates the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D), heart disease (HD), hypercholesterolemia (HC) and hypertension (HTN). Heart disease is indicated on both maternal and paternal side and even though T2D only shows on my paternal side, the other diseases such as HC and HTN that are on my maternal side are risk factors for developing diabetes. According to Pessoa Marinho et al. (2013), the genetic and environmental risk factors that influence T2D development are: “age, gender, ethnicity, family history, obesity, inactivity, gestational diabetes, macrosomia, hypertension, decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, increased triglycerides, cardiovascular diseases, micropolycystic ovary syndrome, high blood glucose on previous testing, impaired glucose tolerance and glycated hemoglobin ≥5.7%” (Pessoa Marinho et al., 2013, p. 570). Bianco et al. (2013) states, “the maternal influence confirms the hereditary role in the diabetes pathogenesis that women with positive family history to the illness presented... ... middle of paper ... ...es of developing these diseases. While a family history provides information about the risk of specific health concerns, having a family history of certain medical conditions doesn’t mean that you will develop the same conditions. Disease is not imminent, by developing lifestyle changes your health can be controlled and risk lowered by changing behaviors that increase your chances. Conclusion A family medical history can reveal the history of disease in your family and allow you to identify patterns that might be relevant to your own health. These conditions are influenced by a combination of genetic factors, environmental conditions and lifestyle choices. It is impossible to change family history or genes, however knowing that certain diseases run in your family can be an incentive to decrease any other factors that when put together, further increase the risk.
People study history because they wish to strengthen human connections. The same can be drawn about the pursuit of genealogy. Whether it be connections to nobility, to a specific ethnic group or a specific event in history, there are diverse motivations to study genealogy According to Francois Weil, “Genealogy provides a powerful lens to understand personal and collective identities.” In essence Weil’s Family Trees: A History of Genealogy in America is a study of American identity over a span of four centuries through a discussion of genealogy and family history.
LG stated that her family stays well educated regarding their health and family history and if they have any questions about the genetic problems in the family, they will typically research the internet and follow up with their general practitioner. LG, her siblings, and their mother are in good health and are not dealing with major medical matters at this time. Interventions for this family should be tailored to help them keep up on current information about heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, which are the main medical issues in their family medical history, and having a plan that ensures they continue getting regular health checkups. In conclusion, it is important for nurses to have proper training and information in the area of genetics and genomics so that it can be used in daily clinical practice (Thompson & Brooks, 2011). Using this information with clients and conducting a detailed genetic nursing assessment is a valuable component of being an effective health care provider and can help clients recognize, prevent, and/or treat diseases that are unique to their particular family.
Each family has an interesting history, at least to their descendants. The internet has offered everyone the opportunity to become a junior genealogist. Sites such as Ancestory.com provide records searches that are easy. State and Federally supported websites provide records of marriages, military service and deaths.
Genetics can predetermine many things for an individual but health and prevention can aid in the prevention of the expression of some genes. This is why it is important for healthcare providers to promote their patient’s awareness of what he or she is at risk for so that they can live the healthiest life possible. It is much easier to prevent a disease than it is to cure one. As healthcare providers it is our responsibility to cure illnesses, sure, but more importantly it is our responsibility to prevent disease and increase our patient’s quality of
History can tell people many things about the past, about where people came from, how they developed. People can learn many things from history, and this can prevent humans from repeating the past and making a better future. This becomes especially important when taking into account medical history. Medical history can prevent harm of a specific patient, but also prevent harm and asses risks for their family members. Multigenerational medical history covers many generations of close and distant relatives and any medical issues they may have had. This can be especially helpful to promote prevention of a known family disease. If a person knows that their family is at risk for inheriting a genetic disease, they can start early on watching
The presence of a mutated gene may not be noted until a woman with no family
There are many types of genetic tests that are administered to the adult population. The more commonly used genetic tests are paternity tests, genealogical tests, and forensic testing. They are quite self-explanatory; paternity tests are to determine relatedness of 2 subjects, genealogical tests are used to formulate a heritage or ancestry, and forensic testing is used to identify or rule out a person that has been charged with a crime. Other genetic tests include presymptomatic testing, used to determine the risk someone has to developing a genetic disorder, diagnostic screening, used to rule out or identify a suspected condition, and carrier screening, used to determine if an individual carries one copy of a gene mutati...
Like the world around us the medical field is always changing. It is always pushing forward, trying to understand mysteries of the human body that have boggled researchers for decades. What confuses scientists more, are the organisms or conditions that create these abnormalities that can send the human body into a downward spiral. Disease is something that has affected human civilization since the dawn of time. It can either be chronic or acute, but in either case it has the potential to bring havoc to the human body systems that can lead to devastating consequences. Generally there are two main types of diseases, ones caused by invading pathogens and those which are hereditary. One hereditary disease that can be particularly tragic is cystic fibrosis.
A few of the chronic health conditions that occur in my family are breast cancer and high blood pressure. My great grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer later in her life, this was a while ago so she did not receive the type of treatment needed. One reason being that in that time period you needed to catch it early on for them to do much with it, and the second reason being that she caught it too late. Breast Cancer is not something that she overcame, since her diagnosis no one else in the family has been diagnosed. My grandmother is getting close to the age where most women are diagnosed but it is not something that has occurred since then. High blood pressure, on the other hand, is something very common in my family. My dad, both grandfathers, and both great grandfathers either currently have or have had high blood pressure. I will be talking about statistics, preventive tactics, exercises, and environmental effects of both breast cancer and high blood pressure.
First, let's consider the situations in which genetic testing would be beneficial to patients. Genetic testing for diseases that are preventable or treatable could allow individuals to alter their lifestyles so as to treat the disease or reduce their risk of developing the disease. For instance, the E2 version of the APOE gene, which is found on chromosome 19, has been linked to heart disease (Ridley, 1999). Individuals who have two copies of the E2 gene are particularly sensitive to high-fat and high-cholesterol diets. Therefore, a genetic test to determine whether a person has the high-risk version of the APOE gene could inform a person of future health risks, thereby allowing the person to change his diet to help prev...
History is an important thing to hold on to. It helps to gain an understanding not only of the past, but also of the present. The people who lived through the important turning points in North American history helped to shape what North America is today. History comprises not just the Jeffersons or the Lincolns, but it also comprises the Van Camps, Lyons, and Lanes. People need to remember the major and minor players in history. Researching one’s family history would be a perfect way to start exploring the makeup of the past and providing for the future.
Blatt, R., An Overview of Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Test in Health Care. Obtained form www.geneletter.org/0996/screening.htm
What is Familial hypercholesterolemia and how familial hypercholesterolemia can affect you a person? Familial hypercholesterolemia is an inherited condition that can lead to problem within your heart. This genetic disorder can cause high levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels that begins at birth and can led to a number of heart attacks for a person at a young age. We all need some cholesterol to work certain things in your body properly but if you have way too much cholesterol in your blood stream it will start to build up in the walls of the arteries and cause an increasing chance of you getting heart disease. If a person’s have familial hypercholesterolemia they have levels of LDL cholesterol which means that your liver
Everyone inherits their genes from their parents. James Nasmyth once said that “Our history begins before we are born. We represent the hereditary influences of our race, and our ancestors virtually live in us.” This is true because we are made of cells and each cell contains inherited DNA. Our DNA carries genetic information we inherited from our ancestors, but the environment we live in can affect this DNA. Nonetheless, testing our genomes can provide information for differentiating between the traits we have inherited from our ancestors and those that the environment shaped.
Most people believe that biological factors play a huge role in members of a family becoming ill. We often think that our genetic makeup will ultimately lead our health down the same paths as earlier members of our families that have suffered from illnesses. While this concept may appear to be rather common, genetic factors show likelihood that the possibility is there, but not a certitude. In some cases of cardiovascular problems or cancer, having the genes create predispositions or proneness to a specific type of action; however, to say it would be without a doubt would be a fallacy.