A few of the chronic health conditions that occur in my family are breast cancer and high blood pressure. My great grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer later in her life, this was a while ago so she did not receive the type of treatment needed. One reason being that in that time period you needed to catch it early on for them to do much with it, and the second reason being that she caught it too late. Breast Cancer is not something that she overcame, since her diagnosis no one else in the family has been diagnosed. My grandmother is getting close to the age where most women are diagnosed but it is not something that has occurred since then. High blood pressure, on the other hand, is something very common in my family. My dad, both grandfathers, and both great grandfathers either currently have or have had high blood pressure. I will be talking about statistics, preventive tactics, exercises, and environmental effects of both breast cancer and high blood pressure. I have been aware that my great grandmother had breast cancer but until I started researching for this paper I didn’t really understand what exactly breast cancer was. I know it is bad and if left untreated or caught too late it is very fatal, I am really into a show called "Parenthood" and one of the characters is diagnosed. This show is so well produced that it brings you into it, I feel like I am part of the family. The character's name is Kristina, and she's a mom of three. She is in her late thirties to early forties when she has her last child and shortly after the baby is born she goes in for a mammogram and it turns out to be not what she expected. Breast cancer is not something that you know is there, it comes out of nowhere and it is not pai... ... middle of paper ... ....gov. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/understandingcancer/environment/AllPages. N.A. Breast Cancer: Predicting Individual Risk. Mayo.edu. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from www.mayo.edu/research/discoverys-edge/breast-cancer-predicting-individual-risk. N.A. Environmental Links to Breast Cancer. BreastCancerAction.org. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from www.bcation.org/our-take-on-breast-cancer/envornment/. N.A. Breast Cancer Awareness: Prevention is the Key. NationalInstituteofEnvironmentalHealthSciences.gov. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/conditions/breast-cancer/. Young, S. (2011, December). Report: Certain environmental exposures can increase breast cancer risk. CNNHealth.com. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from www.thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2011/12/07/iom-certain-environmental-exposures-can-increase-breast-cancer-risk/.
How does this history of high blood pressure demonstrate the problem description and etiology components of the P.E.R.I.E. process? What different types of studies were used to establish etiology or contributory cause?
National Cancer Institute Website -. April 11, 2005. www.nci.nih.gov/cancertopics/pdq/supportivecare/spirituality/healtherprofessional.com. Support for Women with Breast Cancer. October 30, 2003.
There are many chronic illnesses. A major one is cancer, specifically thyroid cancer. One character that is shown to be struggling with thyroid cancer as a chronic disease is in the film and novel, The Fault in Our Stars. The protagonist, Hazel Grace Lancaster is diagnosed with terminal thyroid cancer, and the story sets out with the cancer having spread to her lungs. She is a Caucasian female who is possibly around high school or college age. Because of the terminal thyroid cancer, she has, she must walk around with an oxygen tank to be able to breathe.
At this point in time, scientists and doctors have yet to discover the specific causes for breast cancer. However, what is known are the different risk factors that may trigger or put women more at danger of acquiring this disease. Aged women who have experienced menopause are more vulnerable at containing this disease. Women are also more at risk if breast cancer is common within their family because it is hereditary. In addition, smoking and drinking are other factors that can put women at risk as well (Stephan, 2010). Obesity in particular is a huge risk factor. Women who are overweight, especially those who have a thicker upper body, are more likely to develop malignant cancers in the breast than a healthy woman (Vona-Davis and Rose, 2009).
Chemical pollution into the environment can cause both genotypic and phenotypic changes in many organisms, including humans. More specifically, environmental pollutants like BPA can act as xenoestrogens (estrogen imitators), ultimately affecting hormonal activity and production in an organism. This alteration in activity and production can be termed as endocrine disruption. The endocrine system regulates a variety of processes responsible for growth and development, including gonadal formation and function, digestion, metabolism, sex differentiation, and embryonic development (reviewed by Flint et al., 2012). Chemicals that interfere with the function or structure of the endocrine system can be defined as endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) (US Environmental Protection Agency, 2007).
... in inhabitants living close to smelters and arsenical chemical factories. Citizens who live near waste sites with arsenic may have an increased risk of lung cancer as well.
Some risk factors cannot be changed such as age, race, and gender. A person 's risk increases as they get older. Approximately 1 out of 8 women are at risk of developing breast cancer are younger than 55. Approximately 2 out of 3 women are at risk of developing breast cancer who are older than 55 (American Cancer Society, 2014). To decrease this rate, women need more timely follow ups and access to high quality treatments (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). Men can develop breast cancer, but this disease is more common among women than men. (American Cancer Society, 2015).
In life we come across many struggles and hardships. Some have more struggles then others but we all have them. Breast cancer could be one of those struggles whether male or female. Breast cancer is not just something that a woman can get like most people believe. Anyone can get it. In this essay you will about what breast cancer is, some symptoms, how it is treated, and my personal experience with it. Most people do not know what breast cancer is they just know that it is cancer in the breast.
Risk of heart disease and risk factors for heart disease are strongly linked to family history. For example, if a Mother have a stroke, the child the family is more likely to have one. Family history provides a picture of the environment and genetics in place when these diseases occurs. Genetics cannot be changed, so if a patient have a family history with heart disease, they must change their environment. Meaning lowering risks by changing behaviors that can increase chance of getting heart disease or stroke. Ways of changing behaviors are better eating habits, physical activities, and eliminating smoking. Examples of heart disease in both men and women are coronary artery disease, angina, arrhythmia, congenital heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction, heart failure, and...
Cardiovascular disease is currently the nation’s leading non-communicable cause of morbidity and mortality. According to the American Heart Association, the most common form of cardiovascular disease is coronary artery disease, a condition in which the heart’s blood supply is reduced due to a narrowing of the coronary arteries. These arteries play a significant role in regulating the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart. As blood circulates through the arteries, it exerts a force against the vessel walls, known as blood pressure. To withstand this pressure, elastic fibers interspersed along the artery walls allow the arteries to expand and recoil. Abnormally high blood pressure, however, will cause these muscles to thicken as a result of tears in the damaged artery walls trapping particles that aggregate as plaque. Progressive build-up of plaque ultimately leads to a narrowing of the arteries, subsequently diminishing blood flow to the heart and other body organs. This cascade of events triggered by high blood pressure illustrates why hypertension is one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Affecting 1 in every 3 adults in the United States alone, hypertension substantially raises the risk for heart disease in an affected individual who, most likely, does not show any signs or symptoms. In addition to the risks associated with this “silent killer,” comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol can drastically worsen health outcomes in hypertensive patients. Given the high prevalence and severe consequences of hypertension if undetected, researching this particular topic will increase our understanding of the causes of hypertension by identifying and narrowing down lead candidates for pot...
During recent years, numerous newspaper and magazine articles have suggested that humans may be at risk because small amounts of well known environmental contaminants, such as dioxin, PCBs and DDT, can affect hormone levels. Hormones are produced by the endocrine system as regulators of biological function in target organs. Because hormones play a critical role in early development, toxicological effects on the endocrine system often have an impact on the reproductive system. The term endocrine disruptor is used to describe chemicals that can mimic hormones and may either enhance or counteract their effects. It has been suggested that these hormone changes can, in turn, lead to a variety of health problems including cancer, decreased fertility, and abnormalities in newborns.
Rosen, Leo and Rosen, Gloria. (2011).Learn About Cancer. American Cancer Society. Retrieved November 26, 2015 from http://www.cancer.org/cancer/breastcancer/index
Family Health Problems Tree The purpose I searched for my family health history was to see what complications may occur in my future or in my family. There are a couple of benefits behind me researching the diseases throughout my family history, including that I can learn what is prevalent which may put me at risk of contracting it, it can help me change my lifestyle to prevent or lower my chances, and help me prepare for what may arise. The diseases that are most prevalent in my family that will most likely affect me or my brothers and sisters are Diabetes, Migraine, High Blood Pressure, and High Cholesterol. Diabetes is a disease that I came across when researching the maternal side of my family history.
Although rarely asked, don't mind at all since at least I'm here to talk about my bout with cancer. I'm trusting your cancer is in complete remission as is my (100%) case that started with discovery of Breast Cancer (x2).
...e the cancer and look for the positives in the prognosis and treatment find encouragement for the future. There are various models and theories such as health belief model that are used to explain ones belief on risks and associated risks of a chronic illness and then there are theories such as Crisis theory when dealing with shock when diagnosed with a chronic illness and gate control theory when looking at pain and the psychological issues around dealing with pain. However even with various theories and models trying to explain crisis, pain and compliance to treatment the outcome and understanding and ultimately the way an individual deals with a chronic illness such a breast cancer falls very much down to self-efficacy and the belief the individual holds towards the illness itself the attitude and perception in the outcome of the illness, treatment and beyond.