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Breast cancer essay abstract
Introduction to breast cancer thesis
Introduction to breast cancer thesis
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Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world (Breast). Every three minutes a woman is diagnosed: one in eight women will have breast cancer (Walgreens, 2011; Chen, 2010). “I have to admit, like so many women, I always knew there was a chance. But like so many women, I never thought it would be me. I never thought I'd hear those devastating words: 'You have breast cancer.' “- Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a democratic representative of Florida (2011).
Mutations turn genes on and off, activating diseases; all women have a chance of developing breast cancer (Understanding; Breast). Unhealthy cells divide and form a tumor. The tumor can be benign and not dangerous. Malignant tumors can become potentially dangerous (Understanding). The cancer becomes invasive when it spreads to other breast areas. Cancer that has not invaded other breast tissues remains noninvasive; noninvasive cancer can become invasive if not treated (Chen, 2010). If cancer cells get into the lymph nodes, the cells can get into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body (Understanding; Rosen, 2011).
Ductal carcinoma cancer starts in the breast milk ducts (Chen, 2010). The milk ducts drain milk from the lobules to the nipple: 50-75% of breast cancer starts in the ducts (Understanding; Facts).
Lobular carcinoma cancer develops in the lobules which produce milk: 10-15% of breast cancer starts in the lobules (Chen, 2010; Facts). Breast cancer starting in another area is rare (Chen, 2010). Rarely, a phyllodes tumor develops in the stroma or connective tissue of the breast (Rosen, 2011).
Inflammatory breast cancer accounts for 1% to 3% of breast cancers. The skin of the breast looks red and feels warm with no lump: due to cancer cells blocking...
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...greens. (2011, September 28). Behind The Scenes of Lifetime's FIVE [Video file]. Retrieved November 16, 2015 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeVZg2lWIlw
Understanding Breast Cancer. Breastcancer.org. Retrieved November 25, 2015 from http://www.breastcancer.org/
About Breast Cancer. National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.. Retrieved November 25, 2015 from http://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/
Facts for Life. Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Retrieved November 25, 2015 from http://ww5.komen.org/BreastCancer/FactsForLife.html
Breast Cancer Facts. The Breast Cancer Society Inc.. Retrieved November 25, 2015 from http://www.breastcancersociety.org/aboutbreastcancer/factsandstatistics/breastcancerfact.shtml
Rosen, Leo and Rosen, Gloria. (2011).Learn About Cancer. American Cancer Society. Retrieved November 26, 2015 from http://www.cancer.org/cancer/breastcancer/index
Susan G Komen for the Cure is a very well know charity that raises funds for breast cancer. They host walks, sell merchandise, educate, and sponsor events. Every year they raise millions of dollars for research and to support those who have breast cancer. The charity originated in 1982 when Nancy G Brinker started it in honor of her sister Susan. Susan Passed away from breast cancer in 1980 and the charity was a part of Nancy’s promise to Susan that she would put a stop to breast cancer. For a long time Susan G Komen for the Cure has been considered one of the best cancer related charities there is, but lately it has come under fire.
Lerner, Barron H. The Breast Cancer Wars: Hope, Fear, and the Pursuit of a Cure in Twentieth-century America. New York: Oxford UP, 2001.
Breast cancer is a type of cancer originates from breast tissue, generally from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers originating from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas whereas from ducts are called ductal carcinomas. (Ref: Breast Cancer, National Cancer Institute) Invasive breast cancer is breast cancer that has spread from the point of origin in the breast ducts/lobules to the surrounding normal tissue cells. In exceptional cases, breast cancer can start in at other sites in breast. Breast cancer occurs in both women and men, though male breast cancer is uncommon.
There are many risks that affect breast cancer. One of the reasons it is more common, is because we have better medical equipment that detects breast cancer at an earlier stage than before. An estimated 192,370 new cases of breast cancer will occu...
According to the American Cancer Society, Each year, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer; furthermore Twelve percent of all women will contract the disease, and 3.5% of them will die from breast cancer (American Cancer Society, 2005). There are risk factors that may lead to breast cancer. There are 4 stages of breast cancer and several treatments, although treatments vary from types and stages of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women who are 40 to 55 years old (Breast Cancer, 2009).Cancer occurs when cells divide uncontrollably. It changes from a normal cell to cancerous cells that require gene alterations. Therefore the altered genes and the uncontrolled growth may lead to tumors. Tumors can be benign or malignant, benign tumors are not cancerous whereas malignant are cancerous. Benign tumors will not spread, but it can damage the tissues around it. Malignant tumors invade, damage, and destroy tissues that are nearby and can spread. When cancer cells break away from a malignant tumor and enter into the bloodstream, cancer can spread throughout the body. The cancer cells from breast cancer can be found in the lymph nodes under the arm. Cancer that spreads into other parts of the body; its still has the same name as the original cancer. So basically if you are diagnosed with breast cancer and it goes into your lungs, you still have breast cancer.
Of the few people that know what breast cancer is some of them just believe that it is a lump. They do not know that there is a process to breast cancer they do not know that the tumor comes from somewhere and does not magically appear. Breast cancer can happen a few different ways in the breast, but “the most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma” (cancer.gov). This type of breast cancer begins in the lining of the milk ducts. The ducts are the tubes that carry the milk from the lobules to the nipple. Think of them as little veins running from the nipple to a little pouch. Another place that the cancer could start is...
There are many different approaches for management of breast cancer and treatment options that patients may select in collaboration with health care providers. Breast cancer is a complex disease that presents in many different types, with specific biological features unique to each patient. Invasive cancers are classified based on tumor type and histological grade, which is of utmost importance when deciding the course of treatment. Contemporary advances in breast cancer treatments have been made, especially in chemotherapy, hormone and biological therapies. Treatment can be a combination of local treatments, systemic treatments, and in some cases, new targeted treatments (Watts, 2013).
The risks of getting cancer in this day and age has been increasing at a rate that could be detrimental to the human race if we do not act now. It is scary to think that you or someone you love and care about will get some type of cancer in their life time. Although there are many different types of cancer that is in existence today, the main focus is breast cancer. We are going to explore the causes breast cancer, the stages, how we can treat it and what precautions that can be taken to help lower ones risk of getting breast cancer. In America a baby girl born today has a 1 in 8 chance of getting breast cancer sometime in her life. These statistics do not seem so scary until they are put into perspective. Every three minute a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and one will die every 13 minutes in a given day. If these rates of breast cancer continue to rise there will soon be a one in one baby girl born that will et diagnosed with breast cancer. This is the future of our world that we are talking about here and no one seems to be changing the main factors that contribute to breast cancer. There are many different suspicious causes but one thing that is clear is that an unhealthy environment has an enormous impact on women and their development from babies to women.
Breast Cancer, as well as other forms of cancer, scientists do know how it occurs, but they do not know an exact cause. There are some genes in our body called oncogenes, genes that have potential to cause cancer, that increases the speed of cell division while other genes such as tumor suppressors, cause the cells to die at the correct time. Mutations that occur in the DNA, which “turn on” the oncogenes or “turn off” tumor suppressor genes, will cause some of the cells to be cancerous in the breast("American Cancer Society"). Also, Breast Cancer can be increased by inherited gene mutations and acquired gene mutations. The risk of Breast Cancer can be increased dramatically, through the inheritance from parent to offspring, if a mutation occurs. For example, if a suppressor gene, such as BRCA, forms a mutation, then it is likely to be passed to future generations. This gene no longer suppresses abnormal growth, therefore there is a higher chance of cancer being developed. Even though Breast Cancer can be inherited it is more likely to be acquired through one breast cell. The acquired mutations could be a result of of radiation or cancer-causing chemicals. ...
Usually, normal cells die when they are old or damaged, newly grow cells will replace them. However, if something goes wrong, there may be too many new cells when the body only needs a few of them, and the body can’t get rid of old cells, it builds up a mass of tissue called tumor. There are two types of tumor, begin or malignant. Begin tumors are usually not harmful to human body, however, malignant tumors could be life threatening. This type of tumors will invade organs and tissues around them, travel through blood vessels or lymph vessels, attach to other tissues and destroy them. Malignant tumors arise in breast tissues and cause breast cancer.
Cancers are one of common cause of human deaths all over the world in both men and women. Breast Cancer in particular is one of the most common cancer in women, many factors could contribute in the development of cancer including Age, lifestyle (consumption of Alcohol or drugs), and Inheritance of gene from mother. According to the statistics published by World Health Organisation over 1.68 million cases of breast cancer
Breast Cancer Treatment Only lung cancer kills more women each year in the United States than breast cancer does. The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that over 184,000 new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in women in 1996 (ACS Breast). Although these statistics are alarming, there are a number of treatment options available for those diagnosed with breast cancer. The best way to treat any disease is to prevent it. Since little is known about breast cancer, there are no established rules for prevention.
“The term “breast cancer” refers to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast” (Breast Cancer,n.d). What society does not realize, is that men have breasts. If men can have abnormal cell growths in the breast, they are except-able to breast cancer as well. Men need to be aware of the prevention, diagnoses, and treatments for male breast cancer.
Over the past few decades, cancer has become a very prominent disease. There are many different types of cancer and many different causes of the the disease. Most cancers are caused by a genetic mutation. The most common type occurs when a cell is divided. Proto-oncogenes, which are alleles in normal cells, mutate to form oncogenes.
Historically speaking breast cancer has been around for hundreds of years. Thankfully the treatment has improved. Patients who get the cancer removed and take care of themselves after, for example, by exercising and eating healthy, will live longer. There are many risks that increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer, for instance, age, family history, and race. A women who made history with breast cancer was Betty Ford, Betty was one of the first lady’s to speak openly about her disease. Betty encouraged women who have been affected with the disease to go to their doctor as soon as possible and told women who had shared that they didn’t have breast cancer to do self breast exams regularly and get mammograms. She also said when women get diagnosed with it don’t be embarrassed. Treatments in the past were pretty good and quite the same compared to the treatments given to people now, for instance, mastectomy’s which was the primary...