Analysis Of The Transformational Learning Model

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Divorcing between parents is caused of disintegration among the family members. Moreover, sons and daughters are the victims from divorcing between the parents. There are small amount of family members who avoid the problem of divorcing.

Since I was six years old, my parents decided to divorce. I was shocked because we were six siblings. After divorcing, I lived with my father and he could not bear responsibility for my siblings and I. I was the biggest concern for him because I have twins and he could not be able to take care about two children who have same age. My oldest sister decided to take care of me and she became my mother. She helped me a lot and she became everything for me. Some days, I got some annoyance from my relatives. They …show more content…

I came with my husband. He helps me during my studying and he encouraged me to obtain high scores. I will become a mother for my daughter next month. I accepted that this is how life is now. I become stronger because I got experiences from the life. I would not be strong if the life was different.

Which of the following Transformational Learning Models presented in the text provides the best lens or “fit”? Beyond Rational” transformational learning theory is the most interesting that I found. Dirkx says, “Emotions are present in any learning experience. These emotions joyful, bored, angry... can make our learning more powerful ” (p, 86). Charaniya said that learning “means to engage in cultural-spiritual transformation” and she sees a three-part process that begins when someone’s cultural-spiritual identity is challenged by some experience. (p, 87).

Why do you feel this model is the best fit? I feel that model is the best fit “beyond rational” because people be aware from learning. In addition, challenges are considered different in communities. I see my life and my behavior changed. I can decide what is the best for my family and me. I become able to teach people who face the same problem that I faced and educate them how to accept every thing in better

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