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Paper on women having little power in Afghanistan
Women of afghanistan essay
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Recommended: Paper on women having little power in Afghanistan
On November 7th at the Indiana University Cinema, I had the opportunity to watch an intriguing documentary called The Beauty Academy of Kabul, which was eye opening in terms of gender oppression. The main purpose of the film was to portray the role that beauty has in these women’s lives who live in Kabul and how it empowers them and allows them to be independent in a certain aspect of their lives. In the documentary, women from America travel to Kabul and create a school where they rigorously teach Afghan women the techniques that are found in beauty parlors. Throughout the documentary, several interviews take place where the audience learns just how unequal men and women are treated in the city of Kabul. Overall, the documentary showed me how women are treated in that culture, how it is different from our culture although we still face some of the same issues, and how something like the beauty school helps the women to feel empowered and how it gives them a sense of purpose. …show more content…
To many it may seem pointless, but what some may not realize is that the school is meant to empower these women and provide purpose for them in their oppressed lives. During the documentary, one of the American women says something that is very significant to the overall meaning of the school. She stated, “education is the key to empowering people.” This is important, because like what we learned, many women do not have the opportunity to receive a higher education, and this school provides them with this opportunity. It was especially surprising to learn while watching the documentary, that many of the Afghan women in the documentary are secretly hairdressers and earn more money than their husbands do. This is an example that a beauty school, like the one bui;t in Kabul, can be a great step towards gender equality in a place such as
When we look into the mirror, we are constantly picking at our insecurities; our stomach, thighs, face, and our body figure. Society has hammered into our brains that there is only one right way of looking. Society disregards that there are many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Then society makes us believe that corporations can shove detrimental products to fix our imperfection. As a consequence, we blame media for putting all the negative ideas into women’s brain. It is not wrong to say that they are in part responsible, but we can’t make this issue go away until we talk about patriarchy. In the article Am I Thin Enough Yet? Hesse-Biber argues that women are constantly concerned about their looks and if they are categorized as “beautiful” by society. These ideas are encouraged by corporations that sell things for us to achieve “beautiful” but the idea is a result of patriarchy. Hesse-Biber suggests that if we want to get rid of these ideas we need to tackle patriarchy before placing all the blame on capitalism.
In Afghanistan, education is not easily attainable especially as a woman. “For girls in much of the country, education remains a dream no more attainable now than it was under the Taliban. If women are educated, that means their children will be too. If the people of the world want to solve the hard problems in Afghanistan--kidnapping, beheadings, crime and even al-Qaeda--they should invest in education”(Baker).This quote explains the struggles that young afghanistan children have to go through by not getting the opportunities that American children get every day. Even after Afghanistan was under the Taliban, it was still rare for children to attend school which is a horrible reality. Education is explained as one Afghanistan's worst problems of this time. Future generations are in trouble if this problem is not fixed. The tragedy that these children are facing needs to evolve towards a better system. Afghanistan’s current educational structure is unacceptable to the growth of children. “It's hard to overstate the amount of work to be done. The literacy rate in the country has dropped below 40 percent for men, and it is believed to be as low as 4 percent for women” (Whitelaw). Though there is clearly a lot of work to be done in the education systems, it is crucial to the well-being of many children that the systems improve to inspire kids that education along with hard work and dedication is essential to future success. This is only one
According to 10 Weird and Wacky Beauty Facts by Andrea Lavinthal, in ancient Greece, the most sought-after hair color was blond. Not many Greeks were naturally blond, so light hair was probably perceived as beautiful because it was so exotic. Women would lighten their hair using plant extracts or arsenic. They also washed their locks with a mixture of ashes, olive oil, and water. She also explained how “it was a shame that extension weren’t available during the Heian period when a Japanese woman’s beauty was judges by the length of her hair, since the ideal was considered almost two feet longer than her waist. We’re assuming that ponytails were a popular hairstyle back then.” There are many other crazy facts about beauty facts like Vaseline makes your eyelashes grow and can take off makeup, or if your finger nails are discolored from using dark polish, use a slice of lemon on them and they will regain their color (The beauty magazine, Roselyn Miller, pg. 67). Going into the field of Cosmetology helps you express yourself and it brings out your inner creativity. That is one of the many reason I love this line of work, because when I do hair it lets me express myself while creating a hairstyle of my own. The first time I started doing hair was when I was about 10 or 11, I was a natural! I want to be able to know my clients and exactly what will look right on my clients and read people, so I would know what they do like just by talking to them. I need to learn to separate family from business. I do know some things about this field I before this assignment that cosmetology is not just about doing hair, it’s also about learning about the Skin; Doing make up, eye lashes, etc. You also learn about nails; doing a...
After this short but powerful preface, the documentary continues with two shocking interviews made by David Lowe to two under-educated women who are the heads of their families; Ms. Dobey, wh...
Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth. How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women. New York: William Morrow, 1991.
Sexism is still a prevailing problem in the world today. Unfortunately, this contributes to other forms of discrimination. In the article, Black Girls Matter, the author, Kimberlé Crenshaw, brings this to light. Young girls of color are often ignored by national initiatives in regards to both racism and sexism combined. The author supports her criticism with the use of personal stories of young girls of color, namely, Salecia, Pleajhai, Mikia, and Tanisha along with numerical data as examples.
Lila Abu-Lughod’s article titled, “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?” takes a closer look at the problematic ethnocentric approach many have when trying to gain an understanding of another culture that may be foreign to that individual. In this analytical paper, Lughod looks at women in Islam, specifically the treatment of women and how it might be utilized as a justification for invading into a country and liberating its people. The country Lughod refers to in her article is Afghanistan, and Lughod points out the misunderstanding from the people to the Bush administration like First Lady Laura Bush who believed that intervention was necessary to free women from the captivity of their own homes. It is important to consider the role that different lenses play into all of this, especially when one’s lenses are being shaped by the media. Depictions of covered women secluded from society leave a permanent image in the minds of many, who would then later support the idea of liberation. This paper will discuss that the practice of using propaganda when referring to the lifestyle in the Middle East is not exclusive to the U.S; rather it has been utilized throughout history. Additionally, we will take a closer look on the importance of symbols, such as veils in this case; help to further emphasize the cause to liberate. Finally, we will analyze Lughod’s plea towards cultural relativism and away from liberal imperialism.
I chose these four journal writings because I believe they are the strongest pieces I have written from the second half of the semester. The main focus of these journals was based on readings under the women as objects topic. The oppression of women has led to females being objectified and used as gratification for men. A woman’s body and appearance have become a commodity, especially in the media. Films, television shows, music and advertisements use women’s bodies to attract their audience and sell products. The movie watched in class “Killing Us Softly 4,” highlights this fact while presenting how women are represented throughout the media. The media has set and perpetuated a particular standard of beauty that is restrictive, but for some many women completely unattainable. The women represented in the media are young, thin and have western or European characteristics. Where does that leave the majority of women that do not fall under this category? This leads to women developing eating disorders to achieve an ideal body image that is manufactured through Photoshop and other picture editing systems. Women of color, women with disabilities or any woman that does not follow this standard is not represented within the media. When a few women do break this mold and become famous, they are set at a different standard. These women’s differences become the highlighted feature of their fame. However, the one constant in the media when it comes to women is the objectification and sexualization of women. This sexualization can lead to aggression or violence against women and the perpetuation of rape culture. The images viewed in the media directly impact how women view themselves and how others view women. By examining the issues women f...
Middle Eastern women need to stand up for their rights and get educated to reverse the notion that they are servants and properties of their men. Furthermore, they need to rise up to their potentials and prove beyond doubt that they are equal to men. This practice would lead the path for future generations to follow and protect the inalienable rights of women. Finally, these women need to break the cycle of oppression by addressing these deeply rooted beliefs, gaining the tools to fight back, and joining forces to make lifelong changes.
People do not understand how bad womens’ lives are in Iraq. Women in Iraq live in constant fear of being threatened or murdered for doing normal day things, such as wearing makeup and going to school. Women in Iraq have very few rights and do not have freedom. Women are vulnerable; deprived of education; fear honor deaths; and have to follow strict guidelines that, if not followed, result in serious consequences.
The Women of the Middle East have played substantial roles for their corresponding countries since the advent of colonialism in the region. Middle Eastern women have worked in all types of fields including medicine, education, agriculture, government, private sector, and even defense. They have kept roofs over their family’s heads while their husbands were away in wars, or even in foreign countries to work in jobs that they could not find in their own countries. The roles of women in the countries of Yemen and Oman are no exception, but while they still find ways to contribute to their country, they care constantly stereotyped, discriminated, and ridiculed by men who are known and unknown to them. This paper will discuss the individual contributions of the women living in Yemen and Oman, and will discuss in further state laws and cultural norms that are affecting the women living in these countries today.
... Return to Nature" by Holly Myers - 2007, "In the Pink of the Carnivalesque" - Debra J. Byrne - 2005, "At Play in the Slaughterhouse of American Pop" - Carlo McCormick - 2001, "Tracing the connections between Bunnies, Bees, and Abe Lincoln" - Mike McGee - 2001, Ragazine.cc "Feminist Art of the Middle East" by Virginia Fabbri Butera, Ph.D. - 2013, The New York times "Behind the Veil" by Lorraine Ali - 2010, Shirin Neshat's "Turbulent" - Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2DNMG2s_O0, Sarah Abu Abdallah: 'Saudi Automobile', 2012 - Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28AV6sVDY18, "The photography of Mariel Clayton http://www.thephotographymarielclayton.com/, 'Visibly Female' Feminism art movement and art today by Hilary Robinson, Feminism and Contemporary art by Jo Anna Isaak, Feminism and art history; Questioning the Litany by Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard.
What is beauty? Beauty is defined as “the quality of being physically attractive or the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind” (Merriam-Webster dictionary, 2014, para. 1). Heine (2012) has found that beauty and attractiveness can vary across cultures. Although, there are specific features of a person that seem to be considered as beautiful and attractive across all culture spectrums. These features are: complexion, bilateral symmetry, average sized facial features, and biracial faces. However, weight in regards to attractiveness and beauty varies drastically across cultures. Through this discovery, there may be a correlation between the perception of beauty and attractiveness in each culture and its effects of body dissatisfaction and eating disorder rates. Is beauty really in the eye of the beholder? We will examine how what is considered to be attractive and beautiful can have both similarities and differences across cultures. In addition, we will examine eating disorders, and how they are influenced by the beauty standards that are set in specific cultures.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” a phrase that everyone has heard of at one point in his or her life. Walk by a cashier aisle in a supermarket and a there will be magazines shouting “How to lose 30 pounds in one month!” “Buff up with this weird new workout routine!”. “Fashion that’ll slim you down!” and the like. Is the concept of beauty and ugly really homogeneous, or does it vary? Is it just weight that’s considered? Exploring different ethnic groups prove that what one person thinks is beautiful may or may not be the same as the next person. (The article will mainly be focused on the women though, since their “worth” is judged more on their appearances than men. It will also be rather general on each ethnicity.)
There are over seven billion people on earth and every single one looks different. No matter how much people say that being different is unique, they are wrong. Society has set a beauty standard, with the help of the media and celebrities, that makes people question their looks. This standard is just a definition of what society considers being “beautiful.” This idea is one that mostly everyone knows about and can relate to. No one on this planet is exactly the same, but people still feel the need to meet this standard. Everyone has two sides to them; there is the one that says “you are perfect just the way you are”, while the other side puts you down and you tell yourself “I have to change, I have to fit in.” There is always going to be that side that cares and the one that doesn’t.